"Dad buried in landslide! Jubilant throngs fill streets! Stunned father inconsolable - demands recount!" -- Calvin

primary server load:6.69 6.54 6.58
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:2897 (IPv6 613)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 1231.42 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

58371.40 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 9.90 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
21.64 TB transmitted yesterday
966.14 GB transmitted today

Pictures of our CPUs and Memory (since 2018-01-05).

CPUs and Memory

CPUs and Memory

Pictures of our CPUs and Memory (since 2012-10-04).

CPUs and Memory

CPUs and Memory

Pictures of our CPUs and Memory (since 2006-12-14).

CPUs and Memory

CPUs and Memory

CPUs and Memory

Pictures of our CPUs and Memory (since 2002-12-19).

older CPUs and Memory

older CPUs and Memory

older CPUs and Memory

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Page creation time: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:31:54 GMT