Sometimes it seems things go by too quickly. We are so busy watching out for
what's just ahead of us that we don't take the time to enjoy where we are.
-- Calvin
| primary server load: | 8.79 9.96 8.87 | secondary server load: | | primary server http connections: | 8638 (IPv6 1484) | secondary server http connections: | |
Current bandwidth utilization 2230.64 Mbit/s
(primary server)
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s
(secondary server)
61834.85 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 10.22 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
18.58 TB transmitted yesterday
1.25 TB transmitted today
Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2024-12-25<2024-12-24 | overall | 2024-12-26>
Mirror Name | % | Data Transmitted (% from secondary) | Data Requested |
#Requests |
fedora |
44.7139 % |
7.80 TB (0.00%) |
4.65 TB | 2882586 | |
13.2381 % |
2.31 TB (0.00%) |
33.10 KB | 123846 |
opensuse |
11.1142 % |
1.94 TB (0.00%) |
1.18 TB | 563162 |
epel |
7.6009 % |
1.33 TB (0.00%) |
454.83 GB | 378480 |
ubuntu |
6.3237 % |
1.10 TB (0.00%) |
72.36 GB | 1041081 |
mapsforge |
3.8024 % |
679.18 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 16751 |
centos-stream |
2.3617 % |
421.85 GB (0.00%) |
15.78 GB | 256412 |
tdf |
2.1570 % |
385.27 GB (0.00%) |
14.47 MB | 52587 |
debian |
1.7208 % |
307.37 GB (0.00%) |
156.86 GB | 402550 |
rocky |
0.8601 % |
153.63 GB (0.00%) |
5.48 GB | 496786 |
undef |
0.6986 % |
124.78 GB (0.00%) |
15.23 KB | 286500 | |
0.5810 % |
103.78 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 78193 |
gentoo |
0.5797 % |
103.55 GB (0.00%) |
56.30 GB | 55521 |
kde |
0.5748 % |
102.68 GB (0.00%) |
8.56 MB | 8760 |
almalinux |
0.5718 % |
102.14 GB (0.00%) |
1.67 GB | 182337 | |
0.4414 % |
78.83 GB (0.00%) |
605.02 MB | 196168 |
OpenBSD |
0.4327 % |
77.30 GB (0.00%) |
74.66 GB | 903 |
archlinux |
0.3301 % |
58.96 GB (0.00%) |
13.87 GB | 24865 |
fedora-secondary |
0.2833 % |
50.61 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 1846 |
Mageia |
0.1980 % |
35.37 GB (0.00%) |
12.49 GB | 6882 |
alpine |
0.1632 % |
29.15 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 38256 | |
0.1404 % |
25.08 GB (0.00%) |
12.86 GB | 132160 |
dag |
0.1389 % |
24.80 GB (0.00%) |
328.85 MB | 39117 |
parrotsec |
0.1334 % |
23.82 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 129786 | |
0.1270 % |
22.69 GB (0.00%) |
247.94 MB | 43892 |
raspbian |
0.0861 % |
15.38 GB (0.00%) |
5.17 GB | 24075 |
atrpms |
0.0730 % |
13.05 GB (0.00%) |
370.47 KB | 10985 |
pcbsd |
0.0602 % |
10.75 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 2014 |
gnu |
0.0586 % |
10.47 GB (0.00%) |
15.67 MB | 6389 |
repoforge |
0.0525 % |
9.38 GB (0.00%) |
672.26 MB | 83446 |
openmandriva |
0.0489 % |
8.74 GB (0.00%) |
688.41 MB | 6716 |
scientific |
0.0467 % |
8.34 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 6996 |
gimp |
0.0435 % |
7.78 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 986 |
openoffice |
0.0337 % |
6.02 GB (0.00%) |
24.44 MB | 460 |
gnome |
0.0260 % |
4.64 GB (0.00%) |
191.53 MB | 14031 |
mariadb |
0.0250 % |
4.46 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 114642 | |
0.0225 % |
4.02 GB (0.00%) |
7.35 MB | 486 |
eclipse |
0.0220 % |
3.93 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 9856 |
redhat |
0.0208 % |
3.72 GB (0.00%) |
5.89 MB | 1512 |
FreeBSD |
0.0152 % |
2.71 GB (0.00%) |
2.65 GB | 66 |
aurox |
0.0151 % |
2.70 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 2933 |
rootlinux |
0.0129 % |
2.31 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 3985 |
apache |
0.0115 % |
2.06 GB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 5780 |
0.0068 % |
1.21 GB (0.00%) |
1002.42 MB | 8771 |
openvz |
0.0039 % |
713.45 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 2098 |
gnupg |
0.0038 % |
690.57 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 3941 |
postgresql |
0.0036 % |
649.62 MB (0.00%) |
62.69 KB | 9893 |
tanglu |
0.0033 % |
594.79 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 11430 |
suse |
0.0032 % |
580.65 MB (0.00%) |
489.25 KB | 619 |
mandriva |
0.0028 % |
508.73 MB (0.00%) |
154.00 Bytes | 1317 |
openssl |
0.0023 % |
411.95 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 93 |
xfree86 |
0.0013 % |
230.79 MB (0.00%) |
36.03 MB | 5742 |
0.0012 % |
228.05 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 70 |
gentoo-repo-changelog |
0.0012 % |
214.13 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 79918 |
ximian |
0.0009 % |
161.06 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 1224 |
debian-multimedia |
0.0009 % |
158.17 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 2486 |
redhat archive |
0.0007 % |
134.49 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 685 |
info |
0.0006 % |
113.59 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 8733 |
mozilla |
0.0004 % |
78.96 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 74 |
auroralinux |
0.0004 % |
74.27 MB (0.00%) |
8.04 KB | 758 | |
0.0004 % |
65.64 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 175 |
wikipedia |
0.0002 % |
44.45 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 34 |
eldk |
0.0002 % |
30.03 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 81 | |
0.0001 % |
25.13 MB (0.00%) |
3.47 MB | 529 |
turnkeylinux |
0.0001 % |
12.88 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 3421 | |
0.0001 % |
12.82 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 49 |
fuduntu |
0.0000 % |
6.78 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 83 |
ietf |
0.0000 % |
3.23 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 86 |
impi |
0.0000 % |
2.82 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 9 |
phprojekt |
0.0000 % |
2.81 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 12 |
limux |
0.0000 % |
2.08 MB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 12 |
livna |
0.0000 % |
1.36 MB (0.00%) |
1.05 MB | 151 |
centos |
0.0000 % |
1013.63 KB (0.00%) |
397.71 KB | 444 |
debian-backports |
0.0000 % |
861.88 KB (0.00%) |
36.51 KB | 204 |
netscape |
0.0000 % |
158.75 KB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 76 |
proftpd |
0.0000 % |
102.55 KB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 31 |
knoppix |
0.0000 % |
86.47 KB (0.00%) |
83.78 KB | 5 |
percomp |
0.0000 % |
85.08 KB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 15 |
centos-altarch |
0.0000 % |
50.39 KB (0.00%) |
687.00 Bytes | 35 |
nimblex |
0.0000 % |
12.71 KB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 3 |
polippix |
0.0000 % |
5.26 KB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 4 |
tuxmas |
0.0000 % |
4.50 KB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 3 | |
0.0000 % |
1.57 KB (0.00%) |
1.57 KB | 1 |
selfhtml |
0.0000 % |
1.54 KB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 1 | |
0.0000 % |
1.07 KB (0.00%) |
0.00 Bytes | 2 |
RSYNC | | 6.67 TB | 6.67 TB | 59794 |
FTP | | 14.86 GB | 14.86 GB | 5578 |
HTTP | | 10.76 TB | 0.00 Bytes | 7812731 |
Total | | 17.44 TB | 6.68 TB | 7878103 |
Client Distribution Map 2024-12-25
RSYNC Distribution Map 2024-12-25
Last updated: Wed, 25 Dec 2024 23:23:19 GMT (runtime 1939.304551364s/using gzipped output/made with mirrortraffic.py3)
Copyright © 2002, 2019 Adrian Reber
Last modified: January 05 2015 10:48:26.
Page creation time:
Thu, 26 Dec 2024 01:10:48 GMT