If you couldn't find any weirdness, maybe we'll just have to make some! -- Calvin

primary server load:4.43 4.05 3.83
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:7488 (IPv6 1499)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 1921.02 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

62267.77 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 10.26 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
20.17 TB transmitted yesterday
7.68 TB transmitted today

Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2024-12-18

<2024-12-17 | overall | 2024-12-19>



Mirror Name%Data Transmitted
(% from secondary)
Data Requested #Requests
fedora 42.6910 % 8.67 TB
4.56 TB3283388
ubuntu 12.1626 % 2.47 TB
198.82 GB957914
linuxmint.com 12.0785 % 2.45 TB
35.47 KB153305
opensuse 10.8873 % 2.21 TB
1.15 TB859853
centos-stream 4.7508 % 988.29 GB
432.77 GB272814
tdf 2.7320 % 568.31 GB
2.25 GB32864
epel 2.5760 % 535.87 GB
411.60 GB87478
rocky 2.3589 % 490.72 GB
10.02 GB721605
rpmfusion.org 1.7896 % 372.27 GB
48.21 GB251043
mapsforge 1.6853 % 350.58 GB
273.23 MB8982
almalinux 0.9274 % 192.92 GB
27.47 GB225523
hirensbootcd.org 0.8657 % 180.08 GB
0.00 Bytes78534
debian 0.8625 % 179.42 GB
74.61 GB310953
undef 0.6502 % 135.26 GB
13.02 KB258813
gentoo 0.5441 % 113.19 GB
92.48 GB70832
archlinux 0.4689 % 97.55 GB
37.11 GB25571
kde 0.3476 % 72.30 GB
8.55 MB5833
parrotsec 0.2398 % 49.88 GB
0.00 Bytes28668
Mageia 0.2158 % 44.90 GB
19.73 GB9022
fedora-secondary 0.1536 % 31.95 GB
0.00 Bytes7398
archive.rpmfusion.org 0.1249 % 25.97 GB
12.87 GB143485
OpenBSD 0.1056 % 21.96 GB
16.20 GB1207
eclipse 0.0975 % 20.28 GB
515.43 KB13435
mariadb 0.0930 % 19.34 GB
0.00 Bytes104850
gnu 0.0915 % 19.03 GB
9.29 MB8551
alpine 0.0894 % 18.61 GB
0.00 Bytes30035
pcbsd 0.0688 % 14.30 GB
0.00 Bytes2884
raspbian 0.0533 % 11.10 GB
2.72 GB19980
gnome 0.0482 % 10.02 GB
127.25 MB19819
repoforge 0.0426 % 8.87 GB
673.84 MB79207
kernel.org 0.0391 % 8.13 GB
13.41 GB2755
sourceware.org 0.0341 % 7.09 GB
533.37 MB7959
openmandriva 0.0282 % 5.86 GB
670.01 MB2735
FreeBSD 0.0141 % 2.93 GB
2.82 GB108
postgresql 0.0121 % 2.51 GB
0.00 Bytes2169
mandriva 0.0111 % 2.31 GB
0.00 Bytes3884
redhat 0.0086 % 1.78 GB
5.89 MB1919
dag 0.0072 % 1.51 GB
336.23 MB3806
openoffice 0.0072 % 1.50 GB
285.31 KB275
CPAN 0.0060 % 1.24 GB
1.03 GB11706
wikipedia 0.0050 % 1.03 GB
0.00 Bytes8
gimp 0.0033 % 692.36 MB
0.00 Bytes310
suse 0.0030 % 645.97 MB
0.00 Bytes437
redhat archive 0.0028 % 600.70 MB
5.09 MB23956
apache 0.0024 % 512.36 MB
0.00 Bytes2090
debian-multimedia 0.0024 % 500.86 MB
0.00 Bytes2129
scientific 0.0021 % 454.52 MB
0.00 Bytes7070
mozilla 0.0018 % 381.07 MB
0.00 Bytes294
atrpms 0.0012 % 254.47 MB
370.47 KB4304
gentoo-repo-changelog 0.0011 % 243.13 MB
0.00 Bytes42540
openvz 0.0007 % 141.05 MB
0.00 Bytes2778
impi 0.0006 % 131.02 MB
0.00 Bytes7
info 0.0006 % 128.06 MB
0.00 Bytes12314
tanglu 0.0005 % 109.22 MB
0.00 Bytes828
aurox 0.0005 % 97.33 MB
0.00 Bytes479
xfree86 0.0004 % 86.52 MB
28.73 MB815
nimblex 0.0003 % 62.86 MB
0.00 Bytes12
auroralinux 0.0003 % 60.72 MB
92.29 KB2557
gnupg 0.0002 % 52.40 MB
0.00 Bytes453
CCC 0.0002 % 47.12 MB
0.00 Bytes108
turnkeylinux 0.0002 % 32.88 MB
0.00 Bytes7997
fuduntu 0.0001 % 27.26 MB
0.00 Bytes143
eldk 0.0001 % 20.96 MB
0.00 Bytes148
selfhtml 0.0001 % 15.90 MB
0.00 Bytes6
freshrpms.net 0.0001 % 14.78 MB
3.47 MB1238
tuxmas 0.0001 % 12.81 MB
0.00 Bytes5
netscape 0.0000 % 8.86 MB
0.00 Bytes86
ximian 0.0000 % 6.01 MB
0.00 Bytes955
openssl 0.0000 % 4.01 MB
0.00 Bytes51
ietf 0.0000 % 3.46 MB
666.84 KB70
phprojekt 0.0000 % 2.20 MB
0.00 Bytes7
fedora.us 0.0000 % 1.56 MB
0.00 Bytes144
ccux-linux.de 0.0000 % 1.45 MB
0.00 Bytes21
livna 0.0000 % 1.36 MB
1.05 MB150
centos 0.0000 % 1.06 MB
406.35 KB364
rootlinux 0.0000 % 901.51 KB
0.00 Bytes295
debian-backports 0.0000 % 409.20 KB
36.51 KB114
knoppix 0.0000 % 312.70 KB
251.34 KB64
proftpd 0.0000 % 98.74 KB
0.00 Bytes23
centos-altarch 0.0000 % 92.94 KB
589.00 Bytes38
limux 0.0000 % 61.25 KB
0.00 Bytes15
percomp 0.0000 % 53.74 KB
0.00 Bytes29
polippix 0.0000 % 9.58 KB
0.00 Bytes3
neooffice.org 0.0000 % 8.78 KB
0.00 Bytes5
RSYNC7.03 TB7.03 TB56964
FTP25.90 GB25.90 GB9368
HTTP13.26 TB0.00 Bytes8160290
Total20.31 TB7.06 TB8226622

Client Distribution Map 2024-12-18
RSYNC Distribution Map 2024-12-18

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