Sometimes one should just look at things and think about things without doing things. -- Calvin
primary server load:13.47 14.62 16.67
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:5614 (IPv6 988)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 68.40 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

59394.81 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 9.99 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
20.52 TB transmitted yesterday
21.29 TB transmitted today

Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2021-02-26

<2021-02-25 | overall | 2021-02-27>



Mirror Name%Data Transmitted
(% from secondary)
Data Requested #Requests
fedora 36.0013 % 6.26 TB
3.97 TB1272484
epel 12.2882 % 2.14 TB
81.47 GB1335460 9.9526 % 1.73 TB
490.80 KB252207
parrotsec 9.2282 % 1.61 TB
0.00 Bytes94787
ubuntu 7.3921 % 1.29 TB
141.77 GB927988
centos 4.2063 % 749.37 GB
282.96 GB1427084
opensuse 3.5499 % 632.44 GB
8.66 GB3680600
mapsforge 3.4844 % 620.76 GB
0.00 Bytes9143
tdf 3.2838 % 585.04 GB
22.02 MB4152
eclipse 2.3006 % 409.87 GB
30.83 MB682886
Mageia 1.8462 % 328.91 GB
44.05 GB40758 0.9598 % 171.00 GB
64.86 GB288195
debian 0.8267 % 147.28 GB
87.93 GB152725
gentoo 0.6464 % 115.16 GB
70.23 GB16732
raspbian 0.5675 % 101.10 GB
2.92 GB129074
archlinux 0.5499 % 97.96 GB
25.57 GB15995
undef 0.4204 % 74.90 GB
53.40 KB193682
CCC 0.4057 % 72.27 GB
0.00 Bytes338
centos-altarch 0.3879 % 69.11 GB
126.46 MB8150 0.3466 % 61.75 GB
92.37 GB55712
kde 0.2855 % 50.86 GB
268.75 MB3161 0.1593 % 28.38 GB
330.69 MB393460
gnu 0.1436 % 25.58 GB
15.52 MB3517
apache 0.1082 % 19.28 GB
21.13 MB2324
OpenBSD 0.1017 % 18.12 GB
17.24 GB951
openmandriva 0.0888 % 15.83 GB
13.32 GB2671
repoforge 0.0658 % 11.72 GB
2.94 GB173546
mariadb 0.0543 % 9.68 GB
9.65 GB187900
CPAN 0.0447 % 7.96 GB
6.94 GB7247
gnome 0.0420 % 7.47 GB
385.67 MB17988
alpine 0.0414 % 7.37 GB
0.00 Bytes9515
openoffice 0.0337 % 6.00 GB
264.40 KB925
fuduntu 0.0304 % 5.42 GB
0.00 Bytes94
fedora-secondary 0.0277 % 4.94 GB
0.00 Bytes1774
dag 0.0231 % 4.12 GB
371.10 MB77368 0.0152 % 2.70 GB
2.70 GB116
eldk 0.0140 % 2.49 GB
0.00 Bytes207
auroralinux 0.0081 % 1.45 GB
166.60 KB5356
aurox 0.0077 % 1.37 GB
0.00 Bytes385
knoppix 0.0076 % 1.36 GB
1.36 GB51
nimblex 0.0076 % 1.35 GB
0.00 Bytes11
scientific 0.0066 % 1.17 GB
594.39 MB24000 0.0054 % 984.80 MB
1.05 GB670 0.0052 % 956.97 MB
956.97 MB2
impi 0.0049 % 892.72 MB
0.00 Bytes7
FreeBSD 0.0039 % 718.75 MB
536.37 MB226
openvz 0.0035 % 633.36 MB
19.44 KB1873
rootlinux 0.0032 % 590.19 MB
0.00 Bytes707
debian-multimedia 0.0028 % 514.12 MB
0.00 Bytes4272
mandriva 0.0020 % 370.06 MB
0.00 Bytes4586
atrpms 0.0018 % 330.99 MB
20.93 MB18869
redhat archive 0.0010 % 188.01 MB
0.00 Bytes6280
pcbsd 0.0006 % 116.38 MB
0.00 Bytes726
OpenHPC 0.0006 % 107.40 MB
0.00 Bytes408 0.0005 % 96.71 MB
96.71 MB14
tanglu 0.0005 % 94.04 MB
0.00 Bytes793
xfree86 0.0005 % 88.46 MB
51.67 MB1063
postgresql 0.0003 % 61.17 MB
0.00 Bytes1027
proftpd 0.0003 % 57.73 MB
0.00 Bytes18
info 0.0003 % 54.98 MB
779.80 KB6320
turnkeylinux 0.0002 % 28.08 MB
0.00 Bytes506 0.0001 % 20.48 MB
3.37 MB788
mozilla 0.0001 % 18.05 MB
0.00 Bytes402
ximian 0.0001 % 17.37 MB
0.00 Bytes274
gnupg 0.0001 % 17.05 MB
104.19 KB397
debian-backports 0.0001 % 14.73 MB
15.62 KB133
gentoo-repo-changelog 0.0001 % 11.80 MB
0.00 Bytes3330
redhat 0.0001 % 11.44 MB
5.47 MB769 0.0000 % 7.93 MB
7.93 MB11 0.0000 % 6.68 MB
0.00 Bytes35
gimp 0.0000 % 3.63 MB
0.00 Bytes167
livna 0.0000 % 3.17 MB
1.04 MB1034 0.0000 % 2.67 MB
0.00 Bytes210
suse 0.0000 % 2.35 MB
201.26 KB264
openssl 0.0000 % 1.45 MB
0.00 Bytes14
netscape 0.0000 % 982.33 KB
0.00 Bytes188
ietf 0.0000 % 687.37 KB
666.84 KB9
percomp 0.0000 % 134.70 KB
0.00 Bytes19
phprojekt 0.0000 % 26.22 KB
0.00 Bytes13
wikipedia 0.0000 % 23.89 KB
0.00 Bytes8
polippix 0.0000 % 15.24 KB
0.00 Bytes6
tuxmas 0.0000 % 15.06 KB
0.00 Bytes6
selfhtml 0.0000 % 9.14 KB
0.00 Bytes2 0.0000 % 8.55 KB
1.52 KB4
RSYNC4.25 TB4.25 TB13603
FTP89.02 GB89.02 GB64324
HTTP13.06 TB501.05 GB11479242
Total17.40 TB4.82 TB11557169

Client Distribution Map 2021-02-26
RSYNC Distribution Map 2021-02-26

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