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Class orion.ExplorerNavHandler.ExplorerNavDict

A explorer navigation dictionary.
Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201305142230/plugins/org.eclipse.orion.client.ui/web/orion/explorers/explorerNavHandler.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a new explorer navigation dictionary.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addRow(modelItem, rowDomNode)
Add a row to the dictionary.
getGridNavHolder(modelItem, lazyCreate)
Get the grid navigation holder from a row navigation model.
Get the value of a key by model id.
Initialize the grid navigation holder to null.
Class Detail
Creates a new explorer navigation dictionary. The key of the dictionary is the model id. The value is a wrapper object that holds .modelItem, .rowDomNode and .gridChildren properties. The .modelItem property helps quickly looking up a model object by a given id. The .rowDomNode also helps to find out the row DOM node instead of doing a query. The .gridChildren is an array representing all the grid navigation information, which the caller has to fill the array out.
{Object} model
The model object that represent the overall explorer.
Method Detail
addRow(modelItem, rowDomNode)
Add a row to the dictionary.
{Object} modelItem
The model item object that represent a row.
{domNode} rowDomNode
optional The DOM node that represent a row. If

{Array} getGridNavHolder(modelItem, lazyCreate)
Get the grid navigation holder from a row navigation model.
{Object} modelItem
The model item object that represent a row.
{Array} The .gridChildren property of the value keyed by the model id.

{Object} getValue(id)
Get the value of a key by model id.
{String} id
The model id.
{Object} The value of the id from the dictionary.

Initialize the grid navigation holder to null.
{Object} modelItem
The model item object that represent a row.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Tue May 14 2013 22:33:26 GMT-0400 (EDT)