Mail Server

cyrus-imapd-murder - Cyrus IMAP server murder aggregator system files.

The cyrus-imapd-murder package contains the Cyrus murder aggregator system,
i.e. IMAP, POP3 and LMTP proxies, and the mupdate mailbox master daemon.
It allows for cluster setups where there are many backend Cyrus spools
and frontend proxy servers.
License:BSD Group:Mail Server
URL: Source: cyrus-imapd


Name Version Release Type Size Built
cyrus-imapd-murder 2.2.12 6.fc4 ppc 2.65 MiB Thu May 5 01:03:09 2005


* Fri Apr 22 18:00:00 2005 John Dennis <jdennis{%}redhat{*}com> - 2.2.12-6.fc4
- the openssl package moved all its certs, CA, Makefile, etc. to /etc/pki
  now we are consistent with the openssl directory changes.
* Thu Apr 21 18:00:00 2005 John Dennis <jdennis{%}redhat{*}com> - 2.2.12-5.fc4
- we finally have a common directory, /etc/pki for certs, so create
  /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd and put the ssl pem file there. The /etc/cyrus-imapd
  location will not be used, this change supercedes that.
* Mon Apr 18 18:00:00 2005 John Dennis <jdennis{%}redhat{*}com> - 2.2.12-4.fc4
- fix bug #141479, move ssl pem file from /usr/share/ssl/certs to /etc/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
- change license field to BSD, its not exact BSD, but BSD is the closest.

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)