
fortune-mod: A program which will display a fortune

Name:fortune-mod Vendor:
Version:1.99.1 License:BSD
Release:2 URL:
Fortune-mod contains the ever-popular fortune program, which will display quotes or witticisms. Fun-loving system administrators can add fortune to users' .login files, so that the users get their dose of wisdom each time they log in.

Arch: sparc

Build Date:Fri Oct 21 03:13:02 2005
Size:2.81 MiB


* Mon Mar 14 16:00:00 2005 Jeff Sheltren <sheltren{%}cs{*}ucsb{*}edu> 1.99.1-2
- Add patch for moving fortunes into offensive directory
* Sun Mar 13 16:00:00 2005 Jeff Sheltren <sheltren{%}cs{*}ucsb{*}edu> 1.99.1-1
- Update to newer source (see URL)
- Update patches as necessary, separate cflags patch as it was only applied if applying offensive patches
- New source has recode-devel buildreq
- Remove debian fortunes which are included in new source
* Sat Nov 13 16:00:00 2004 Michael Schwendt <mschwendt[AT]> 1.0-25
- Recreate .dat files at build-time to fix x86_64 bug #2279.
- Use %CookieDir everywhere.
- Bump release to 25, drop Epoch.

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