System Environment/Base

bwbar: A program that generates a readout of the current bandwidth use

Name:bwbar Vendor:
Version:1.2.2 License:GPL
Release:2 URL:
bwbar is a small program that generates a text and a graphical readout of the current bandwidth use. It is currently for Linux only. It is used, among others, at

Arch: src

Build Date:Mon Jul 18 07:27:25 2005
Size:42 KiB


* Fri Jul 23 17:00:00 2004 Adrian Reber <adrian{%}lisas{*}de> - 0:1.2.2-0.fdr.2
- changed the daemon patch to use -D and --Daemon
- added a debian patch to specify an output directory
- added another debian patch
- added the man page (also from the debian package)
* Fri Jul 16 17:00:00 2004 Adrian Reber <adrian{%}lisas{*}de> - 0:1.2.2-0.fdr.1
- Initial RPM release.

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