
perl-UNIVERSAL-isa - Hack around module authors using UNIVERSAL::isa as a function

License: GPL+ or Artistic
Vendor: Fedora Project
Whenever you use "isa" in UNIVERSAL as a function, a kitten using
Test::MockObject dies. Normally, the kittens would be helpless, but
if they use UNIVERSAL::isa (the module whose docs you are reading),
the kittens can live long and prosper.

This module replaces UNIVERSAL::isa with a version that makes sure
that if it's called as a function on objects which override isa,
isa will be called on those objects as a method.

In all other cases the real UNIVERSAL::isa is just called directly.


perl-UNIVERSAL-isa-1.03-3.fc14.src [11 KiB] Changelog by Marcela Maslanova (2010-05-07):
- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-2.fu2012