Below is a log of distribution updates since the 4.0.3 announcement. 16 Mar 2001 4.0.3 release. 16 Mar 2001 Binaries available for FreeBSD 4.x. 17 Mar 2001 Binaries available for FreeBSD 2.2.x and 3.x, Linux-ix86-glibc21, NetBSD 1.4.1 and 1.5 and OpenBSD 2.8. 18 Mar 2001 Binaries available for Darwin, Linux-ix86-glibc22, FreeBSD 5.x.x. 19 Mar 2001 Binaries available for Solaris (x86) 7 and 8. 20 Mar 2001 The Linux Xupdate.tgz tarballs were missing the shared libraries. This has now been fixed.