Fri Oct 20 11:13:22 CEST 2006 - varkoly@suse.de

- update to version 2.4.3 


- fixed a bug (introduced with amavisd-new-2.4.0): when receiving mail
  from MTA through a LMTP protocol (not SMTP) and with D_BOUNCE as a
  final*destiny setting, a suppressed non-delivery notification (e.g.
  spam above cutoff_level) did not turn LMTP status into a success,
  so an undesired bounce was generated by MTA in a post-queue filtering
  setup, contributing to excessive bounce backscatter; reported by
  Michael Scheidell, thanks to Gary V for analysis;

- bug fix to amavisd-release: a regexp needs to be relaxed to allow
  quarantine names like Y/spam-Y5y7A3J5r2Ax.gz, reported by Rob Chanter;

- fix a bug in LDAP lookups which could lead to an infinite loop while
  expanding %m in the filter; reported by Petr Vokac;

- add "LOCAL_STATE_DIR => '/var/lib'" to the SA object initialization
  for versions of SA 3.1.4 or older, so that SpamAssassin would see
  additional rules provided by sa-update and placed to its default location;
  the SA 3.1.5 provides its own default so this becomes unnecessary;

- bug fix: don't reject mail when mail size restriction is in force,
  the limit is exceeded, and $final_destiny_by_ccat{+CC_OVERSIZED}
  is not D_REJECT;

- treat blacklisting like high spam score when considering suppressing
  quarantining (@spam_quarantine_cutoff_level_maps) or suppressing sending
  a DSN (@spam_dsn_cutoff_level_maps);

- calling do_quarantine() multiple times on the same message would accumulate
  header edits from each invocation, fixed;  (such situation can only happen
  with a modified program);

- when defanging mail or releasing mail from a quarantine, with a goal
  of not breaking DKIM Sender Signing Policy and DomainKeys policy,
  do not copy existing Sender header field to a new header, and insert
  our own Sender field (configurable by %hdrfrom_notify_recip_by_ccat);

  Note that dk-milter-0.4.1 (dk-filter) incorrectly signs mail released by
  amavisd from a quarantine - presence of X-Spam-* header fields preceded
  and followed by Received header fields makes dk-filter inappropriately
  reorder headers fields before signing. The dkim-milter works correctly.
  The bug has been reported, but has not yet been resolved at this time.

- explicitly set PerlIO layer to ":bytes" on a temporary file handle for
  email.txt (just in case); based on a problem report by Alexander Schäfer;

- in a string produced by a macro %c remove a decimal dot if score happens
  to be an integer;

- reduce $sa_mail_body_size_limit from 512 kB to 400 kB in amavisd.conf
  and amavisd.conf-sample for the time being, while the SA folks work
  on http://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/show_bug.cgi?id=5041
  (MS Outlook Express seems to be chopping long mail in approx 500 kB chunks);

- another workaround for Perl taint bug: IO::Handle::_open_mode_string
  taints the $1 when mode string to IO::File::open is '+<', use O_RDWR
  instead; thanks to Ryan Frantz;

- abort if a specified syslog facility name is unknown, instead of
  switching to LOG_DAEMON as before;

- change the code which selects defanging so that defanging is triggered
  if any applicable contents category of a message chooses defanging;
  counterintuitive behaviour reported by Tapani Tarvainen;

- fix example in amavisd.conf-sample to use +CC_SPAM instead of CC_SPAM
  as a key to a hash, e.g. $final_destiny_by_ccat{+CC_SPAM}, otherwise Perl
  would implicitly turn CC_SPAM into a string when used in such a context.

  Note that any Perl expression syntax would do, as long as the argument
  does not look like a plain variable which receives implicit quoting;
  possibilities include $xx{&CC_SPAM}, $xx{+CC_SPAM}, $xx{CC_SPAM()},
  $xx{(CC_SPAM)} and similar; a more obvious &CC_SPAM is avoided because
  it prevents subroutine call inlining optimization in Perl;

- qmail: update amavisd-new-qmqpqq.patch to be compatible with Net::Server
  version 0.91 or later; thanks to mr from DBA Lab S.p.A.;

- AM.PDP protocol: change the order of attributes returned in an reply:
  delete and edit header fields before adding new header fields;
  problem of deleting just-inserted header fields in a sendmail milter
  setup reported by Petr Rehor;

- AM.PDP protocol change - with version 2 of the protocol the following
  changes to the protocol were made:
  * "version_server=2" is provided in a server response as the
    first attribute, older versions did not provide such attribute
    (assumed version on the server side was 1);
  * delheader and chgheader now stand in a response before insheader
    and addheader, assuming that milter MTA will execute these
    in the same order;
  * new attribute: "insheader=hdridx hdr_head hdr_body"
    (where hdridx as used by amavisd will always be 0 for now), making
    it possible to prepend header fields in a sendmail milter setup
    (instead of appending them, breaking compatibility with DomainKeys);
    problem noted by Adam Gibson and Petr Rehor;
  * new attribute: "quarantine=reason"
    place message on hold or to a quarantine maintained by MTA, and supply
    a reason text (e.g. client may call smfi_quarantine milter routine);
    For future use - it is currently (2.4.3 or earlier) never used.

- new feature: "pen pals soft-whitelisting" lowers spam score of received
  replies to a message previously sent by a local user to this address;
- new feature: added command line options to override certain configuration
  settings from a config file, see below;
- documentation bug fixes, especially on the use of SQL data type TIMESTAMP;
- zoo decoder interface routine can now use utility unzoo(1) or zoo(1);

- LDAP.schema: add missing LDAP attribute amavisSpamQuarantineCutoffLevel
  to the list of allowed attributes in objectclass amavisAccount;
  pointed out by Paolo Cravero;

-  Delivery status notifications (DSN) are now supported, both as a SMTP
  protocol extension and in notifications. Header fields like X-Amavis
  and X-Spam are now prepended to mail header for DomainKeys compatibility.
  Configuration variables can be chosen based on mail contents category,
  which is now represented explicitly. A built-in macro expander is enhanced,
  providing new macros and call types. Added support for passive operating
  system fingerprinting with the use of p0f, supplying collected information
  as a header field to SpamAssassin. Provide compatibility with Net::Server
  0.91 and later.

- fix insufficient sender address sanitation when storing quarantined or
  forwarded files as BSMTP files _and_ having a %s in the corresponding
  *_method template; potential security vulnerability (with limited scope)
  in versions of amavisd-new 2.3.1, 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 discovered by Thomas

- recognize result "ms-windows metafile" (or "ms-windows metafont") from a
  file(1) utility and provide short type 'wmf' for it; added two example
  rules to amavisd.conf (and amavisd.conf-sample) to block files containing
  Windows Metafiles, based on US-CERT Alert TA05-362A;

Wed Jan 25 21:34:13 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Mon Aug 29 12:01:07 CEST 2005 - choeger@suse.de

- change clamav default setting from unix socket to tcp to be
  compliant with the default settings of the clamav package 

Fri Aug 26 15:09:48 CEST 2005 - choeger@suse.de

- amavisd does not behave LSB conform with it's return codes of start and stop,
  so work around it in start and stop section of init script
- version 2.3.3 now requires uname(2) to return an FQHN, which isn't
  the case with SUSE Linux; work around it in %post

Mon Aug 22 10:07:30 CEST 2005 - choeger@suse.de

- update to version 2.3.3

Mon Jul  4 17:11:42 CEST 2005 - choeger@suse.de


Wed Jun 29 14:38:08 CEST 2005 - choeger@suse.de

- update to version 2.3.2

Tue May 10 09:40:43 CEST 2005 - choeger@suse.de

- update to version 2.3.1

Mon Apr 25 09:35:49 CEST 2005 - choeger@suse.de

- update to version 2.3.0

Thu Feb  3 10:02:55 CET 2005 - choeger@suse.de

- s/X-UnitedLinux-Should-Start/Should-Start/

Mon Jan 24 12:35:58 CET 2005 - ro@suse.de

- removed arc dependency (deleted package) 

Fri Jan 21 17:05:55 CET 2005 - choeger@suse.de

- update to version 2.2.1

Wed Nov 24 10:27:23 CET 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- update to version 2.2.0

Tue Oct  5 09:47:15 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- bugfix: untainting filename in unlink() in function
  files_to_scan(). Without untaint() amavisd-new will
  e.g. fail in case of a message with an attachment that
  has more than $MAXFILES files in it.

Thu Sep 23 11:59:41 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- setting "$final_spam_destiny = D_PASS;" again
- changing /var/run/clamav/clamd to /var/lib/clamav/clamd-socket

Wed Sep 15 18:21:48 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- HUPing no longer possible in version 2.1, using
  amavisd reload instead

Tue Sep  7 10:50:57 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- update to minor maintenance release 2.1.2
  - fixed (hard)black- and white-listing on static lookup tables
    which failed to match any sender; reported by Derck Floor;
  - use $hdrfrom_notify_recip address in the From: field for recipient
    notifications, instead of $hdrfrom_notify_admin; inconsistency pointed out
    by Ekkehard Burkon;
  - the 'neutral' sender notification template was joining the Subject and the
    Message-ID header fields into one longer Subject when it was reporting some
    nondelivery other than the 'invalid characters in header'.  Likewise the
    first body line of this same DSN was eaten up: "This nondelivery report was
    generated by the amavisd-new program" (the problem was introduced in
    amavisd-new-20030616 and never reported);
  - in amavisd-agent, amavisd-nanny, amavisd: extend the signal and error
    handling in code sections holding bdb locks from just ignoring the SIGINT,
    to controlled catching and re-signaling several signals and error
    conditions; problem reported by Tom Mulder;
  - provide new macro %e which evaluates to our best guess of the originator IP
    address collected from the Received trace, complementing similar macros
    %t, %a and %g; suggested by Gregor Weiss;
  - add the result of macro %e to the default 0-level log entry;

Thu Aug 26 14:08:32 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- uncomment $unix_socketname in amavisd.conf to be able to
  pipe into /usr/sbin/amavis, which needs to connect to

Thu Aug 26 11:06:43 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- Bugfix: amavisd 2.1.1 still announces itself as 2.1.0

Wed Aug 25 16:58:10 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- update to latest version 2.1.1
- fixed specfile (now needs to additional directories %{avspool}/tmp
  and %{avspool}/db
- fixed hardcoded berkeleydb home path to /var/spool/amavis/db in
  amavisd-agent and amavisd-nanny 
- added perl-BerkeleyDB to Requires

Tue Aug 17 17:39:39 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- update to latest version 2.1.0 (20040815)

Mon Jun 28 10:36:00 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- Bugfix ID#42381 - amavisd-new reload/restart kills service
  chown logfile to $daemon_user when using file logging instead
  of syslog
- Bugfix ID#42223 - amavis-new spams mail.warn
  do not enable amavisd-new per default in sysconfig.amavis

Mon Jun  7 15:12:33 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- added clamd to X-UnitedLinux-Should-Start in init-script
  (related to Bugzilla ID#41722)

Fri Apr 23 13:54:27 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- Bugfix Bugzilla ID#39293, amavisd-new + bind9 cache
  When using rbl checks etc. in amavisd-new (/etc/amavsid.conf:
  $sa_local_tests_only = 0;   # (default: false)) amavis seems to check for a
  working DNS resolver.  If not present, remote tests are disabled.
  -> added $named to X-UnitedLinux-Should-Start in init-script

Tue Apr  6 10:12:53 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- update to patchlevel 9:
  The P9 fixes few minor problems that P8 introduced, adds more workarounds for
  Perl taint bugs, recognizes SFX LHA archives, supports DrWebD 4.31, The
  helper program amavis-milter.c now checks and properly reports the status of
  all calls to mkdir/rmdir/open/unlink/write, and makes a clear distinction
  between message data and connection data. Please see the RELEASE NOTES.

Tue Mar 30 11:05:54 CEST 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- forgot to add the patch for the X-Amavis-Alert changes

Fri Mar 26 12:19:59 CET 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- added sendmail to neededforbuild
- always use the same X-Amavis-Alert header (and not X-AMaViS-Alert on
  one place)

Wed Mar 17 09:58:20 CET 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- update to patchlevel 8
  Improved W32/Bagle-{F,...} detection (password-protected zip archives)
  Bugzilla ID#36041

Thu Feb 26 18:43:22 CET 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- forgot to increase patchlevel in version number

Fri Jan  9 15:53:35 CET 2004 - choeger@suse.de

- update to 20030616-p7

Thu Dec 11 15:22:53 CET 2003 - choeger@suse.de

- add amavis LDAP.schema to filelist (/etc/openldap/schema/amavisd-new.schema)
- deaktivate virus-scanner per default, as this requires one of the
  commercial virus scanners to be installed.

Mon Nov 17 15:01:25 CET 2003 - choeger@suse.de

- update to 20030616-p6

Fri Oct 31 11:32:25 CET 2003 - choeger@suse.de

- Don't build as root

Fri Sep  5 13:25:30 CEST 2003 - choeger@suse.de

- security: create own group vscan and put user vscan into
  group vscan as documented in the INSTALL document

Thu Sep  4 17:57:33 CEST 2003 - choeger@suse.de

- update to 20030616-p5
  The p5 fixes SQL white/blacklist caching bug, fixes a failure when attempting
  to parse nonexistent Received header field, and few minor details. See the

Tue Sep  2 12:49:17 CEST 2003 - choeger@suse.de

- only copy /etc/amavisd.conf, if it had been really changed in %post

Mon Sep  1 09:52:06 CEST 2003 - choeger@suse.de

- added spamassassin to Requires (Bugzilla ID#29731)

Fri Aug 29 12:52:53 CEST 2003 - kukuk@suse.de

- Add -r option to useradd for systemaccounts [Bug #29611]

Fri Aug 29 00:31:47 CEST 2003 - mmj@suse.de

- Add sysconfig metadata [#28812]

Wed Jul 30 13:28:41 CEST 2003 - choeger@suse.de

- new macros for stop/restart of services on rpm update/removal

Mon Jul 28 18:36:39 CEST 2003 - choeger@suse.de

- added AMAVIS_SENDMAIL_MILTER feature to sysconfig.amavis
- added AMAVIS_SENDMAIL_MILTER to init-script
- updated README.SuSE
- added patch to 20030616-p3

Tue Jul  1 11:20:37 CEST 2003 - choeger@suse.de

- do not quarantine spam mails, because the amavisd-new default is to reject
  spam, which I changed to pass and tag, so there's no need to store them.
- set default spam score to 5.0, which is the spamassassin default
- added sysconfig.amavis to integrate into postfix/sendmail as with

Tue Jul  1 10:57:10 CEST 2003 - choeger@suse.de

- use --with-milterlib=%{_libdir} in order to find libmilter.a on
  64bit biarchs

Mon Jun 30 15:39:52 CEST 2003 - choeger@suse.de

- initial version 20030616-p2