Target Communication Framework Services - Memory Map

Memory Service

Version History

Version Date Change
0.0 2012-07-22 Initial documentation based on source code


The service provides basic operations to get and set memory mapping on a target. Command and event parameters are encoded as zero terminated JSON strings.

The service uses standard format for error reports, see Error Report Format.



C • <token> • MemoryMap • get • <string: context ID>

The command retrieves memory maps for given context ID.


R • <token><error report><array of map items><array of map items>
    ⇒ null
    ⇒ [ <map items list> ]

<map items list><object: map item properties><map items list> , <object: map item properties>

Predefined memory map properties are:


C • <token> • MemoryMap • set • <string: context ID><object: map item properties>

The command sets a memory mapping for context specified by context ID. Map item object uses the same properties as defined in the get command.


R • <token><error report>


MemoryMap service broadcasts notification events when memory map items are changed.

E • MemoryMap • changed • <string: context ID>


 * IMemoryMap service provides information about executable modules (files) mapped (loaded) into target memory.
 * @noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
public interface IMemoryMap extends IService {

     * This service name, as it appears on the wire - a TCF name of the service.
    static final String NAME = "MemoryMap";

     * Memory region property names.

    /** String, memory region ID */
    static final String PROP_ID = "ID";

    /** String, memory region context query, see IContextQuery */
    static final String PROP_CONTEXT_QUERY = "ContextQuery";

    /** Number, region address in memory */
    static final String PROP_ADDRESS = "Addr";

    /** Number, region "base address"
     * @since 1.7 */
    static final String PROP_BASE_ADDRESS = "BaseAddress";

    /** Number, region size */
    static final String PROP_SIZE = "Size";

    /** Number, region offset in the file */
    static final String PROP_OFFSET = "Offs";

    /** Boolean, true if the region represents BSS */
    static final String PROP_BSS = "BSS";

    /** Object, Operating System Awareness properties */
    static final String PROP_OSA = "OSA";

    /** Object, kernel module properties
     * @since 1.4 */
    static final String PROP_KERNEL_MODULE = "KernelModule";

    /** Number, region memory protection flags, see FLAG_* */
    static final String PROP_FLAGS = "Flags";

    /** String, name of the file */
    static final String PROP_FILE_NAME = "FileName";

    /** String, name of the object file section */
    static final String PROP_SECTION_NAME = "SectionName";

     * Memory region flags.
    static final int
        /** Read access is allowed */
        FLAG_READ = 1,

        /** Write access is allowed */
        FLAG_WRITE = 2,

        /** Instruction fetch access is allowed */
        FLAG_EXECUTE = 4;

     * Memory region interface.
    interface MemoryRegion {

         * Get region properties. See PROP_* definitions for property names.
         * Properties are read only, clients should not try to modify them.
         * @return Map of region properties.
        Map<String,Object> getProperties();

         * Get memory region address.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_ADDRESS)
         * @return region address.
        Number getAddress();

         * Get memory region size.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_SIZE)
         * @return region size.
        Number getSize();

         * Get memory region file offset.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_OFFSET)
         * @return file offset.
        Number getOffset();

         * Check if the region represents BSS - data segment containing
         * statically-allocated variables represented solely by zero-valued bits initially.
         * Memory for BSS segments is not backed by a file contents.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_BSS)
         * @return file offset.
        boolean isBSS();

         * Get memory region flags.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_FLAGS)
         * @return region flags.
        int getFlags();

         * Get memory region file name.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_FILE_NAME)
         * @return file name.
        String getFileName();

         * Get memory region section name.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_SECTION_NAME)
         * @return section name.
        String getSectionName();

         * Get context query that defines scope of the region, see also IContextQuery.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_CONTEXT_QUERY)
         * Only user-defined regions can have a context query property.
         * @return context query expression, or null.
        String getContextQuery();

     * Retrieve memory map for given context ID.
     * @param id - context ID.
     * @param done - call back interface called when operation is completed.
     * @return - pending command handle.
    IToken get(String id, DoneGet done);

     * Client call back interface for get().
    interface DoneGet {
         * Called when memory map data retrieval is done.
         * @param error - error description if operation failed, null if succeeded.
         * @param map - memory map data.
        void doneGet(IToken token, Exception error, MemoryRegion[] map);

     * Set memory map for given context.
     * 'id' can be null, in such case scope of each memory region is
     * defined by its ContextQuery property.
     * Using non-null 'id' is deprecated - use ContextQuery instead.
     * @param id - symbols context group ID or name.
     * @param map - memory map data.
     * @param done - call back interface called when operation is completed.
     * @return - pending command handle.
    IToken set(String id, MemoryRegion[] map, DoneSet done);

     * Client call back interface for set().
    interface DoneSet {
         * Called when memory map set command is done.
         * @param error - error description if operation failed, null if succeeded.
        void doneSet(IToken token, Exception error);

     * Add memory map event listener.
     * @param listener - memory map event listener to add.
    void addListener(MemoryMapListener listener);

     * Remove memory map event listener.
     * @param listener - memory map event listener to remove.
    void removeListener(MemoryMapListener listener);

     * Service events listener interface.
    interface MemoryMapListener {

         * Called when context memory map changes.
         * @param context_id - context ID.
        void changed(String context_id);