Here are descriptions of some of the more interesting or significant changes made to the Eclipse Platform for the 4.0 release of Eclipse. Note that earlier forms of some of these features appeared in past e4 project releases, but all features listed here are new when compared with the previous Eclipse Platform release (3.6 or Helios release).
Platform Changes
New look for the workbench |
The default appearance of the platform user interface has been refreshed. The main
goals of this update were to adopt a more modern visual style, reduce clutter, and
use whitespace rather than extra keylines to separate user interface elements. Tabs
and part stacks have been redesigned to reduce emphasis on non-selected tabs and stacks.
Global search bar |
The workbench now has a global search field in the tool bar. This provides a visible
affordance for the "Quick Access" feature, and may be used in the future to
combine other kinds of searches into a single location.
More flexible part layout |
You can now stack views and editors together by default. For example a view
that requires a large working area can be stacked in the editor area to provide more space.
Not only can you mix views and editors, but you can split the editor area to put a view beside an editor in the editor area, and then maximize the entire editor area to work with both at the same time. |
Modeled user interface | The Eclipse platform user interface is now represented internally as an EMF model. Applications can reconfigure or extend this model to arrive at very different presentations of their application with no additional coding required. Normalizing the workbench structure as a well defined model has the added benefit of making the code for the workbench itself much simpler and less error prone. Most importantly, this allows for very different workbench UI layouts, such as parts living outside of perspectives, views and editors in dialogs, and other designs not previously allowed by the older generation workbench with its rigid hand-crafted model. Having a model also allows for more advanced tool support for application designers, such as visual design tools. |
Clean model structure |
The workbench model is separated into a number of different levels of building blocks. These are
sets of related model functionality that can be used to augment the basic capabilities of the RCP model
in order to enhance the UI. This allows RCP developers to choose the specific enhancements that they
really need rather than having to make an either/or choice between a model that is simplistic versus one
that can support the complete existing IDE UI. The categories are:
Pluggable presentation engine | The workbench model is now translated into concrete widgets via a generic presentation engine API. The platform includes a default presentation engine that renders the model using traditional SWT widgets, but applications can employ alternate presentation engines to render their application model using a different widget toolkit. |
Part save lifecycle | Workbench model elements can declare
themselves as being saveable by using the MDirtyable interface.
This allows any model elements to employ the dirty/save lifecycle previously
only available to editors and certain kinds of views.
Shared UI elements | Multiple workbench model elements can share a common underlying widget. A placeholder in the model can be used to indicate that the referenced element should be inserted into the UI rather than rendered, meaning that the same widget structure will be used. This mechanism is used to share views when switching perspectives, but can also be used to share complex UI element structures such as the editor area across different parts of the model. |
Model fragments |
Extensibility in the workbench model is achieved through a concept of model
fragments. Plug-in authors can provide model fragment that the workbench
will merge into the application's "base" model.
This is done by plug-ins contributing XMI files using the Model Fragment container from the workbench meta-model. Model fragments can include parts (views and editors in 3.x terminology), commands, handlers, and most other elements from the e4 meta-model. When an Eclipse platform 4.0 application starts up, model fragments submitted by plug-ins are added to the base model, allowing, for example, a view to added to a perspective defined by the application. For example, model fragments from the e4 photo demo can be merged into the model for the Eclipse SDK to create a hybrid of the two applications. |
Persistence of application state | Changes to an Eclipse application's state, such as where its parts are and which part is active, are now recorded individually and these user modifications are then applied to the source model. This allows changes to the source model to propagate back up to the user if a new part has been added to a stack that the user has modified. |
UI extension points |
As we change the user interface to be based on a model, it makes sense to convert UI extension
points into model fragments. With such an approach, a view can be described as
a model fragment containing a PartDescriptor, rather than an extension to
the org.eclipse.ui.views extension point.
This reduces the number of different paradigms that developer needs to keep in mind: all information that defines UI extension points comes from the model, and all extensions can be placed and cross-referenced in one model. At the same time, all of the existing org.eclipse.ui extension points continue to work, so that existing plug-ins continue to work as expected in Eclipse platform 4.0. |
Widget styling with CSS | The workbench now defines a pluggable
styling engine that allows the appearance of widgets to be customized
declaratively using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Widget details such as fonts,
colors, borders, and icons can now be customized via application-defined CSS files.
This mechanism supports changing styles on the fly while the application is running.
The Eclipse SDK 4.0 includes styling data to implement the new IDE look and feel, but rich client applications can employ different CSS styling to achieve a significantly different widget appearance. |
Flexible tab rendering |
In the platform 3.6 release, SWT introduced API to allow a different renderer
for CTabFolder to be plugged in. The workbench now uses this pluggable
rendering to implement the new 4.0 workbench look and feel.
Hierarchical contexts | The bundle org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts
introduces the notion of hierarchical contexts via the IEclipseContext API.
Contexts provide a mechanism for isolating application code from the framework,
providing an abstraction through which application code can obtain objects and
services from the framework. Contexts also provide a way for application code
to make data and services available to other application code in a loosely coupled manner.
Contexts currently support:
UI service lookup via contexts | The workbench provides a hierarchy of service contexts that reflects the widget hierarchy of the workbench itself. Thus when a part obtains a service or data value from its context, it will correctly reflect the widget containment structure of that part. This allows parts to be reused in novel new widget layouts without requiring changes in the part's code. |
javax.inject annotation support | Context injection supports
the annotations defined in the upcoming javax.inject package.
Now in Java 5 or greater VMs we use annotations such as @Inject and
@Named to describe context elements to inject. The internal
injection processing has been updated to make use of these annotations, and
passes the open source annotation-based injection test suite found at
As a result of this work the dependency injection implementation is available
as an independent service. While the exact APIs are still under construction and will change,
we expect to make the |
Common event bus |