# ChangeLog for net-mail/mhonarc-gentoo # Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/mhonarc-gentoo/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2014/11/02 10:44:34 zlogene Exp $ *mhonarc-gentoo-2.6.18-r1 (02 Nov 2014) 02 Nov 2014; Mikle Kolyada +mhonarc-gentoo-2.6.18-r1.ebuild, -mhonarc-gentoo-2.6.18.ebuild: Revision bump: EAPI=5; Add missing dies for sed 02 May 2011; Theo Chatzimichos mhonarc-gentoo-2.6.18.ebuild: Cleanup: EAPI 4, use perl-module instead of perl-app eclass, introduce a MY_P var, remove prepalldocs, move the patch to a PATCHES array *mhonarc-gentoo-2.6.18 (02 May 2011) 02 May 2011; Theo Chatzimichos +mhonarc-gentoo-2.6.18.ebuild, +files/mhonarc-gentoo-2.6.18-archives-gentoo.patch, +metadata.xml: Initial commit of the MHonArc's Gentoo fork