# ChangeLog for net-analyzer/nagios-check_openvpn-simple # Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/nagios-check_openvpn-simple/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2015/04/08 18:01:22 mgorny Exp $ 08 Apr 2015; Michał Górny nagios-check_openvpn-simple-0.0.1.ebuild: Drop old Python implementations 10 Nov 2014; Patrick Lauer metadata.xml: Remove empty herd tag from metadata.xml 06 Jul 2014; Michał Górny nagios-check_openvpn-simple-0.0.1.ebuild: Clean up obsolete dependencies on virtual/python-argparse and virtual/python- unittest2 (those packages were only required for <=python-2.6). *nagios-check_openvpn-simple-0.0.1 (20 Apr 2014) 20 Apr 2014; Michael Orlitzky +metadata.xml, +nagios-check_openvpn-simple-0.0.1.ebuild: New package: net-analyzer/nagios-check_openvpn-simple, a nagios plugin to check if OpenVPN is running. Fixes bug #484058.