# ChangeLog for kde-plasma/plasma-sdk # Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/kde-plasma/plasma-sdk/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2015/08/02 12:28:35 johu Exp $ 02 Aug 2015; Johannes Huber +files/plasma-sdk-5.3.2-remove-qtwebkit.patch, plasma-sdk-5.3.2.ebuild: Add patch to remove bogus deps by Andreas Sturmlechner , bug #555770. 09 Jul 2015; Johannes Huber -plasma-sdk-5.3.1.ebuild: Remove KDE Plasma 5.3.1 06 Jul 2015; Michael Palimaka plasma-sdk-5.3.2.ebuild: Require virtual X for tests wrt bug #554068. *plasma-sdk-5.3.2 (30 Jun 2015) 30 Jun 2015; Johannes Huber +plasma-sdk-5.3.2.ebuild: Version bump KDE Plasma 5.3.2 *plasma-sdk-5.3.1 (31 May 2015) 31 May 2015; Johannes Huber +metadata.xml, +plasma-sdk-5.3.1.ebuild: Initial commit for KDE Plasma 5. Imported from kde overlay. Ebuilds written by several people. Thank you all who worked on it in the overlay.