# ChangeLog for dev-util/obs-service-format_spec_file # Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/obs-service-format_spec_file/ChangeLog,v 1.11 2013/11/02 09:16:48 scarabeus Exp $ *obs-service-format_spec_file-20130618 (02 Nov 2013) 02 Nov 2013; Tomáš Chvátal +obs-service-format_spec_file-20130618.ebuild, -obs-service-format_spec_file-20130318.ebuild: Version bump to match server side service. 18 Mar 2013; Michal Hrusecky -obs-service-format_spec_file-20130131.ebuild, obs-service-format_spec_file-20130318.ebuild: Fast stabilization to minimize broken stable *obs-service-format_spec_file-20130318 (18 Mar 2013) 18 Mar 2013; Michal Hrusecky +obs-service-format_spec_file-20130318.ebuild: Version bump to force reinstall with new paths (bug#446074) *obs-service-format_spec_file-20130131 (31 Jan 2013) 31 Jan 2013; Tomáš Chvátal +obs-service-format_spec_file-20130131.ebuild, -obs-service-format_spec_file-20121107.ebuild: Force bump as the fetching changed and I want to ensure it works for everyone. 15 Nov 2012; Tomáš Chvátal obs-service-format_spec_file-20121107.ebuild: Stable on amd64 and x86 as we just copy few files around. *obs-service-format_spec_file-20121107 (15 Nov 2012) 15 Nov 2012; Tomáš Chvátal +obs-service-format_spec_file-20121107.ebuild, -obs-service-format_spec_file-9999.ebuild: Use versioned ebuild. Add more additional files. 02 Oct 2012; Tomáš Chvátal -obs-service-format_spec_file-0.1.ebuild, obs-service-format_spec_file-9999.ebuild: Provide only live version of services until we find out how to version them sanely. 17 Aug 2012; Tomáš Chvátal metadata.xml: Use suse herd. 07 Mar 2012; Michal Hrusecky metadata.xml, obs-service-format_spec_file-0.1.ebuild, obs-service-format_spec_file-9999.ebuild: * Using upstream description directly from spec file * Added co-maintainer *obs-service-format_spec_file-0.1 (29 Feb 2012) 29 Feb 2012; Michal Hrusecky +obs-service-format_spec_file-0.1.ebuild, obs-service-format_spec_file-9999.ebuild: Adding dependency on suse-build and adding stable version *obs-service-format_spec_file-9999 (16 Sep 2011) 16 Sep 2011; Michal Hrusecky +obs-service-format_spec_file-9999.ebuild, metadata.xml: New ebuild for obs-service-format_spec_file. Ebuild written by me.