# ChangeLog for dev-python/pypy # Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # (auto-generated from git log) *pypy-2.6.0 (09 Aug 2015) *pypy-2.5.1 (09 Aug 2015) *pypy-2.4.0 (09 Aug 2015) *pypy-2.3.1-r2 (09 Aug 2015) 09 Aug 2015; Robin H. Johnson +files/1.9-distutils.unix ccompiler.UnixCCompiler.runtime_library_dir_option.patch, +files/1.9-scripts-location.patch, +files/2.3-21_all_distutils_c++.patch, +files/2.3.1-shared-lib.patch, +files/2.5.0-shared-lib.patch, +files/2.5.0_all_distutils_cxx.patch, +metadata.xml, +pypy-2.3.1-r2.ebuild, +pypy-2.4.0.ebuild, +pypy-2.5.1.ebuild, +pypy-2.6.0.ebuild: proj/gentoo: Initial commit This commit represents a new era for Gentoo: Storing the gentoo-x86 tree in Git, as converted from CVS. This commit is the start of the NEW history. Any historical data is intended to be grafted onto this point. Creation process: 1. Take final CVS checkout snapshot 2. Remove ALL ChangeLog* files 3. Transform all Manifests to thin 4. Remove empty Manifests 5. Convert all stale $Header$/$Id$ CVS keywords to non-expanded Git $Id$ 5.1. Do not touch files with -kb/-ko keyword flags. Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson X-Thanks: Alec Warner - did the GSoC 2006 migration tests X-Thanks: Robin H. Johnson - infra guy, herding this project X-Thanks: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy - Former Gentoo developer, wrote Git features for the migration X-Thanks: Brian Harring - wrote much python to improve cvs2svn X-Thanks: Rich Freeman - validation scripts X-Thanks: Patrick Lauer - Gentoo dev, running new 2014 work in migration X-Thanks: Michał Górny - scripts, QA, nagging X-Thanks: All of other Gentoo developers - many ideas and lots of paint on the bikeshed 15 Aug 2015; Michał Górny pypy-2.4.0.ebuild, pypy-2.5.1.ebuild, pypy-2.6.0.ebuild: Fix USE=-ncurses and USE=-gdbm Fix USE=-ncurses (and USE=-gdbm in pypy-2.6.0) not to try to regenerate cffi modules for the two. Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=557540#c3 Package-Manager: portage-2.2.20 15 Aug 2015; Michał Górny pypy-2.3.1-r2.ebuild, pypy-2.4.0.ebuild, pypy-2.5.1.ebuild, pypy-2.6.0.ebuild: require sys-libs/ncurses:5/5 due to cffi use The cffi modules in dev-python/pypy{,3} are locked to .so.5 ABI. Package-Manager: portage-2.2.20 15 Aug 2015; Michał Górny pypy-2.6.0.ebuild: 2.6.0: restore more flex ncurses dep, confirmed working Allow the newer sys-libs/ncurses version as it has been confirmed to work with pypy-2.6.0. Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=557540#c6 Package-Manager: portage-2.2.20 23 Aug 2015; Michał Górny -pypy-2.3.1-r2.ebuild: bin}, virtual/pypy: Remove the 2.3.1 version Package-Manager: portage-2.2.20 23 Aug 2015; Michał Górny pypy-2.4.0.ebuild, pypy-2.5.1.ebuild, pypy-2.6.0.ebuild: Fix pkg_{pretend,setup} not to run for binpkgs Package-Manager: portage-2.2.20 24 Aug 2015; Justin Lecher metadata.xml, pypy-2.6.0.ebuild: Use https by default Convert all URLs for sites supporting encrypted connections from http to https Signed-off-by: Justin Lecher 24 Aug 2015; Mike Gilbert metadata.xml: Revert DOCTYPE SYSTEM https changes in metadata.xml repoman does not yet accept the https version. This partially reverts eaaface92ee81f30a6ac66fe7acbcc42c00dc450. Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/552720 26 Aug 2015; Mike Frysinger pypy-2.4.0.ebuild, pypy-2.5.1.ebuild: fix ncurses dep #557472 There is no 5 subslot, so trying to depend on it won't actually work. 26 Aug 2015; Mike Frysinger pypy-2.4.0.ebuild, pypy-2.5.1.ebuild, pypy-2.6.0.ebuild: sys-libs/ncurses: move to SLOT=0 #557472 Use SLOT=0 for installing of main development files like other packages so we can use other SLOTs for installing SONAME libs for binary packages. 16 Oct 2015; Justin Lecher metadata.xml: Update remote-ids Signed-off-by: Justin Lecher *pypy-4.0.0 (08 Nov 2015) 08 Nov 2015; Michał Górny +pypy-4.0.0.ebuild: */pypy: Bump to 4.0.0 (p.masked for testing & binpkg build) 12 Nov 2015; Michał Górny pypy-2.4.0.ebuild, pypy-2.5.1.ebuild, pypy-2.6.0.ebuild, pypy-4.0.0.ebuild: Fix epython.py module first install 27 Nov 2015; Michał Górny -files/2.3-21_all_distutils_c++.patch, -files/2.3.1-shared-lib.patch, -pypy-2.4.0.ebuild, -pypy-2.5.1.ebuild: Remove old *pypy-4.0.0-r1 (27 Nov 2015) *pypy-2.6.0-r1 (27 Nov 2015) 27 Nov 2015; Michał Górny -files/1.9-scripts-location.patch, +files/4.0.0-gentoo-path.patch, -pypy-2.6.0.ebuild, +pypy-2.6.0-r1.ebuild, -pypy-4.0.0.ebuild, +pypy-4.0.0-r1.ebuild: Apply full Gentoo path set, only for Gentoo sys.prefix Override all default distutils.command.install paths for Gentoo rather than just scriptdir. However, do that only when install_base equals the default prefix in which PyPy is installed system-wide. This fixes both issues resulting from lack of prefix override (like installing data files in /usr/lib*/pypy), and from overeager prefix overrides (like virtualenv installing scripts in /usr/bin). Fixes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/462306 Fixes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/465546 *pypy-4.0.1 (27 Nov 2015) 27 Nov 2015; Michał Górny +pypy-4.0.1.ebuild: Bump to 4.0.1 *pypy-9999 (20 Dec 2015) 20 Dec 2015; Michał Górny +pypy-9999.ebuild: Add a live ebuild 07 Jan 2016; Michał Górny pypy-2.6.0-r1.ebuild, pypy-4.0.0-r1.ebuild, pypy-4.0.1.ebuild, pypy-9999.ebuild: Default to USE=shadowstack to improve compatibility Prefer the shadowstack gcrootfinder over asmgcc since the latter strongly relies on specific assembly being generated by gcc and is often broken by various optimization flags. 24 Jan 2016; Michał Górny metadata.xml: Unify quoting in metadata.xml files for machine processing Force unified quoting in all metadata.xml files since lxml does not preserve original use of single and double quotes. Ensuring unified quoting before the process allows distinguishing the GLEP 67-related metadata.xml changes from unrelated quoting changes. 24 Jan 2016; Michał Górny metadata.xml: Replace all herds with appropriate projects (GLEP 67) Replace all uses of herd with appropriate project maintainers, or no maintainers in case of herds requested to be disbanded. 24 Jan 2016; Michał Górny metadata.xml: Set appropriate maintainer types in metadata.xml (GLEP 67) 03 Mar 2016; Michał Górny -pypy-2.6.0-r1.ebuild, -pypy-4.0.0-r1.ebuild: Drop old *pypy-5.0.0 (12 Mar 2016) 12 Mar 2016; Michał Górny +pypy-5.0.0.ebuild: Bump to 5.0.0, #577132 14 May 2016; Michał Górny pypy-4.0.1.ebuild, pypy-5.0.0.ebuild, pypy-9999.ebuild: Fix pax-marking in src_compile() 14 May 2016; Michał Górny pypy-4.0.1.ebuild, pypy-5.0.0.ebuild, pypy-9999.ebuild: INSDESTTREE -> custom var, #582982 03 Jun 2016; Anthony G. Basile pypy-4.0.1.ebuild, pypy-5.0.0.ebuild, pypy-9999.ebuild: add libressl support Package-Manager: portage-2.2.28 *pypy-5.1.1 (06 Jun 2016) 06 Jun 2016; Michał Górny +pypy-5.1.1.ebuild: Bump to 5.1.1, #578598 09 Jun 2016; Michał Górny pypy-5.1.1.ebuild, pypy-9999.ebuild: Add missing resource CFFI build *pypy-5.3.0 (09 Jun 2016) 09 Jun 2016; Michał Górny +pypy-5.3.0.ebuild: Bump to 5.3.0 *pypy-5.3.1 (03 Jul 2016) 03 Jul 2016; Michał Górny +pypy-5.3.1.ebuild: Bump to 5.3.1, minor fixes 29 Jul 2016; Michał Górny pypy-4.0.1.ebuild, pypy-5.0.0.ebuild, pypy-5.1.1.ebuild, pypy-5.3.0.ebuild, pypy-5.3.1.ebuild, pypy-9999.ebuild: Remove unnecessary PDEP on python-updater *pypy-5.4.0 (03 Sep 2016) 03 Sep 2016; Michał Górny +pypy-5.4.0.ebuild: Bump to 5.4.0 *pypy-5.4.0-r1 (07 Sep 2016) 07 Sep 2016; Michał Górny -pypy-5.4.0.ebuild, +pypy-5.4.0-r1.ebuild: Adjust subslot to match ABI ver on 5.4.0 Set subslot on pypy-5.4.0+ to match upstream ABI version, to avoid unnecessary rebuilds on ABI-compatible upgrades. I was planning to do this for quite some time but waited for next major bump to avoid needless rebuilds. Sadly, with each bump I forgot again. Therefore, let's do this in place while 5.4.0 is still fresh. *pypy-5.4.1 (07 Sep 2016) 07 Sep 2016; Michał Górny +pypy-5.4.1.ebuild: Bump to 5.4.1 *pypy-5.6.0 (09 Dec 2016) 09 Dec 2016; Michał Górny +files/5.6.0_all_distutils_cxx.patch, +pypy-5.6.0.ebuild: Bump to 5.6.0, #599918 Bump to 5.6.0 release. Includes an updated C/C++ compiler support patch by Jan Ziak.