;;;; tests related to sequences ;;;; This file is impure because we want to be able to use DEFUN. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork ;;;; from CMU CL. ;;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. (load "assertoid.lisp") (defpackage :seq-test (:use :cl :assertoid)) (in-package :seq-test) ;;; helper functions for exercising SEQUENCE code on data of many ;;; specialized types, and in many different optimization scenarios (defun for-every-seq-1 (base-seq snippet) (dolist (seq-type '(list (simple-array t 1) (vector t) (simple-array character 1) (vector character) (simple-array (signed-byte 4) 1) (vector (signed-byte 4)))) (flet ((entirely (eltype) (every (lambda (el) (typep el eltype)) base-seq))) (dolist (declaredness '(nil t)) (dolist (optimization '(((speed 3) (space 0)) ((speed 2) (space 2)) ((speed 1) (space 2)) ((speed 0) (space 1)))) (let* ((seq (if (eq seq-type 'list) (coerce base-seq 'list) (destructuring-bind (type-first &rest type-rest) seq-type (ecase type-first (simple-array (destructuring-bind (eltype one) type-rest (assert (= one 1)) (if (entirely eltype) (coerce base-seq seq-type) (return)))) (vector (destructuring-bind (eltype) type-rest (if (entirely eltype) (let ((initial-element (cond ((subtypep eltype 'character) #\!) ((subtypep eltype 'number) 0) (t #'error)))) (replace (make-array (+ (length base-seq) (random 3)) :element-type eltype :fill-pointer (length base-seq) :initial-element initial-element) base-seq)) (return)))))))) (lambda-expr `(lambda (seq) ,@(when declaredness `((declare (type ,seq-type seq)))) (declare (optimize ,@optimization)) ,snippet))) (format t "~&~S~%" lambda-expr) (multiple-value-bind (fun warnings-p failure-p) (compile nil lambda-expr) (when (or warnings-p failure-p) (error "~@" lambda-expr warnings-p failure-p)) (format t "~&~S ~S~%~S~%~S ~S~%" base-seq snippet seq-type declaredness optimization) (format t "~&(TYPEP SEQ 'SIMPLE-ARRAY)=~S~%" (typep seq 'simple-array)) (unless (funcall fun seq) (error "~@" base-seq snippet seq-type declaredness optimization))))))))) (defun for-every-seq (base-seq snippets) (dolist (snippet snippets) (for-every-seq-1 base-seq snippet))) ;;; a wrapper to hide declared type information from the compiler, so ;;; we don't get stopped by compiler warnings about e.g. compiling ;;; (POSITION 1 #() :KEY #'ABS) when #() has been coerced to a string. (defun indiscriminate (fun) (lambda (&rest rest) (apply fun rest))) ;;; asymmetric test arg order example from ANSI FIND definition page (assert (eql #\space ; original example, depends on ASCII character ordering (find #\d "here are some letters that can be looked at" :test #'char>))) (assert (eql #\e ; modified example, depends only on standard a-z ordering (find #\f "herearesomeletters" :test #'char>))) (assert (eql 4 ; modified more, avoids charset technicalities completely (find 5 '(6 4) :test '>))) ;;; tests of FIND, POSITION, FIND-IF, and POSITION-IF (and a few for ;;; deprecated FIND-IF-NOT and POSITION-IF-NOT too) (for-every-seq #() '((null (find 1 seq)) (null (find 1 seq :from-end t)) (null (position 1 seq :key (indiscriminate #'abs))) (null (position nil seq :test (constantly t))) (null (position nil seq :test nil)) (null (position nil seq :test-not nil)) (null (find-if #'1+ seq :key (indiscriminate #'log))) (null (position-if #'identity seq :from-end t)) (null (find-if-not #'packagep seq)) (null (position-if-not #'packagep seq :key nil)))) (for-every-seq #(1) '((null (find 2 seq)) ;; Get the argument ordering for asymmetric tests like #'> right. ;; (bug reported and fixed by Alexey Dejneka sbcl-devel 2001-10-17) (eql 1 (find 2 seq :test #'>)) (find 2 seq :key #'1+) (find 1 seq :from-end t) (null (find 1 seq :from-end t :start 1)) (null (find 0 seq :from-end t)) (eql 0 (position 1 seq :key #'abs)) (null (position nil seq :test 'equal)) (eql 1 (find-if #'1- seq :key #'log)) (eql 0 (position-if #'identity seq :from-end t)) (null (find-if-not #'sin seq)) (eql 0 (position-if-not #'packagep seq :key 'identity)))) (for-every-seq #(1 2 3 2 1) '((find 3 seq) (find 3 seq :from-end 'yes) (eql 1 (position 1.5 seq :test #'<)) (eql 0 (position 0 seq :key '1-)) (eql 4 (position 0 seq :key '1- :from-end t)) (eql 2 (position 4 seq :key '1+)) (eql 2 (position 4 seq :key '1+ :from-end t)) (eql 1 (position 2 seq)) (eql 1 (position 2 seq :start 1)) (null (find 2 seq :start 1 :end 1)) (eql 3 (position 2 seq :start 2)) (eql 3 (position 2 seq :key nil :from-end t)) (eql 2 (position 3 seq :test '=)) (eql 0 (position 3 seq :test-not 'equalp)) (eql 2 (position 3 seq :test 'equal :from-end t)) (null (position 4 seq :test #'eql)) (null (find-if #'packagep seq)) (eql 1 (find-if #'plusp seq)) (eql 3 (position-if #'plusp seq :key #'1- :from-end t)) (eql 1 (position-if #'evenp seq)) (eql 3 (position-if #'evenp seq :from-end t)) (eql 2 (position-if #'plusp seq :from-end nil :key '1- :start 2)) (eql 3 (position-if #'plusp seq :from-end t :key '1- :start 2)) (null (position-if #'plusp seq :from-end t :key '1- :start 2 :end 2)) (null (find-if-not #'plusp seq)) (eql 0 (position-if-not #'evenp seq)) (eql 0 (search #(1) seq)) (eql 1 (search #(4 5) seq :key 'oddp)) (eql 1 (search #(-2) seq :test (lambda (a b) (= (- a) b)))) (eql 4 (search #(1) seq :start2 1)) (null (search #(3) seq :start2 3)) (eql 2 (search #(3) seq :start2 2)) (eql 0 (search #(1 2) seq)) (null (search #(2 1 3) seq)) (eql 0 (search #(0 1 2 4) seq :start1 1 :end1 3)) (eql 3 (search #(0 2 1 4) seq :start1 1 :end1 3)) (eql 4 (search #(1) seq :from-end t)) (eql 0 (search #(1 2) seq :from-end t)) (null (search #(1 2) seq :from-end t :start2 1)) (eql 0 (search #(0 1 2 4) seq :from-end t :start1 1 :end1 3)) (eql 3 (search #(0 2 1 4) seq :from-end t :start1 1 :end1 3)) (null (search #(2 1 3) seq :from-end t)))) (for-every-seq "string test" '((null (find 0 seq)) (null (find #\D seq :key #'char-upcase)) (find #\E seq :key #'char-upcase) (null (find #\e seq :key #'char-upcase)) (eql 3 (position #\i seq)) (eql 0 (position #\s seq :key #'char-downcase)) (eql 1 (position #\s seq :key #'char-downcase :test #'char/=)) (eql 9 (position #\s seq :from-end t :test #'char=)) (eql 10 (position #\s seq :from-end t :test #'char/=)) (eql 4 (position #\N seq :from-end t :key 'char-upcase :test #'char-equal)) (eql 5 (position-if (lambda (c) (equal #\g c)) seq)) (eql 5 (position-if (lambda (c) (equal #\g c)) seq :from-end t)) (find-if #'characterp seq) (find-if (lambda (c) (typep c 'base-char)) seq :from-end t) (null (find-if 'upper-case-p seq)))) ;;; SUBSEQ (let ((avec (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 4 :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 iv v vi vii iix ix)))) ;; These first five always worked AFAIK. (assert (equalp (subseq avec 0 3) #(0 1 2))) (assert (equalp (subseq avec 3 3) #())) (assert (equalp (subseq avec 1 3) #(1 2))) (assert (equalp (subseq avec 1) #(1 2 3))) (assert (equalp (subseq avec 1 4) #(1 2 3))) ;; SBCL bug found ca. 2002-05-01 by OpenMCL's correct handling of ;; SUBSEQ, CSR's driving portable cross-compilation far enough to ;; reach the SUBSEQ calls in assem.lisp, and WHN's sleazy ;; translation of old CMU CL new-assem.lisp into sufficiently grotty ;; portable Lisp that it passed suitable illegal values to SUBSEQ to ;; exercise the bug:-| ;; ;; SUBSEQ should check its END value against logical LENGTH, not ;; physical ARRAY-DIMENSION 0. ;; ;; fixed in sbcl- by WHN (assert (null (ignore-errors (aref (subseq avec 1 5) 0))))) ;;; FILL (defun test-fill-typecheck (x) (declare (optimize (safety 3) (space 2) (speed 1))) (fill (make-string 10) x)) (assert (string= (test-fill-typecheck #\@) "@@@@@@@@@@")) ;;; BUG 186, fixed in sbcl- (assert (null (ignore-errors (test-fill-typecheck 4097)))) ;;; MAKE-SEQUENCE, COERCE, CONCATENATE, MERGE, MAP and requested ;;; result type (BUGs 46a, 46b, 66) (macrolet ((assert-type-error (form) `(assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors ,form)) 'type-error)))) (dolist (type-stub '((simple-vector) (vector *) (vector (signed-byte 8)) (vector (unsigned-byte 16)) (vector (signed-byte 32)) (simple-bit-vector))) (declare (optimize safety)) (format t "~&~S~%" type-stub) ;; MAKE-SEQUENCE (assert (= (length (make-sequence `(,@type-stub) 10)) 10)) (assert (= (length (make-sequence `(,@type-stub 10) 10)) 10)) (assert-type-error (make-sequence `(,@type-stub 10) 11)) ;; COERCE (assert (= (length (coerce '(0 0 0) `(,@type-stub))) 3)) (assert (= (length (coerce #(0 0 0) `(,@type-stub 3))) 3)) (assert-type-error (coerce #*111 `(,@type-stub 4))) ;; CONCATENATE (assert (= (length (concatenate `(,@type-stub) #(0 0 0) #*111)) 6)) (assert (equalp (concatenate `(,@type-stub) #(0 0 0) #*111) (coerce #(0 0 0 1 1 1) `(,@type-stub)))) (assert (= (length (concatenate `(,@type-stub 6) #(0 0 0) #*111)) 6)) (assert (equalp (concatenate `(,@type-stub 6) #(0 0 0) #*111) (coerce #(0 0 0 1 1 1) `(,@type-stub 6)))) (assert-type-error (concatenate `(,@type-stub 5) #(0 0 0) #*111)) ;; MERGE (macrolet ((test (type) `(merge ,type (copy-seq #(0 1 0)) (copy-seq #*111) #'>))) (assert (= (length (test `(,@type-stub))) 6)) (assert (equalp (test `(,@type-stub)) (coerce #(1 1 1 0 1 0) `(,@type-stub)))) (assert (= (length (test `(,@type-stub 6))) 6)) (assert (equalp (test `(,@type-stub 6)) (coerce #(1 1 1 0 1 0) `(,@type-stub 6)))) (assert-type-error (test `(,@type-stub 4)))) ;; MAP (assert (= (length (map `(,@type-stub) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))) 4)) (assert (equalp (map `(,@type-stub) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1)) (coerce #(0 1 1 0) `(,@type-stub)))) (assert (= (length (map `(,@type-stub 4) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))) 4)) (assert (equalp (map `(,@type-stub 4) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1)) (coerce #(0 1 1 0) `(,@type-stub 4)))) (assert-type-error (map `(,@type-stub 5) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1)))) ;; some more CONCATENATE tests for strings (locally (declare (optimize safety)) (assert (string= (concatenate 'string "foo" " " "bar") "foo bar")) (assert (string= (concatenate '(string 7) "foo" " " "bar") "foo bar")) (assert-type-error (concatenate '(string 6) "foo" " " "bar")) (assert (string= (concatenate '(string 6) "foo" #(#\b #\a #\r)) "foobar")) (assert-type-error (concatenate '(string 7) "foo" #(#\b #\a #\r)))) ;; Non-VECTOR ARRAY types aren't allowed as vector type specifiers. (locally (declare (optimize safety)) (assert-type-error (concatenate 'simple-array "foo" "bar")) (assert-type-error (map 'simple-array #'identity '(1 2 3))) (assert (equalp #(11 13) (map '(simple-array fixnum (*)) #'+ '(1 2 3) '(10 11)))) (assert-type-error (coerce '(1 2 3) 'simple-array)) (assert-type-error (merge 'simple-array (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<)) (assert (equalp #(3 2 1) (coerce '(3 2 1) '(vector fixnum)))) (assert-type-error (map 'array #'identity '(1 2 3))) (assert-type-error (map '(array fixnum) #'identity '(1 2 3))) (assert (equalp #(1 2 3) (coerce '(1 2 3) '(vector fixnum)))) ;; but COERCE has an exemption clause: (assert (string= "foo" (coerce "foo" 'simple-array))) ;; ... though not in all cases. (assert-type-error (coerce '(#\f #\o #\o) 'simple-array)))) ;;; As pointed out by Raymond Toy on #lisp IRC, MERGE had some issues ;;; with user-defined types until sbcl- (deftype list-typeoid () 'list) (assert (equal '(1 2 3 4) (merge 'list-typeoid (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<))) ;;; and also with types that weren't precicely LIST (assert (equal '(1 2 3 4) (merge 'cons (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<))) ;;; but wait, there's more! The NULL and CONS types also have implicit ;;; length requirements: (macrolet ((assert-type-error (form) `(assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors ,form)) 'type-error)))) (locally (declare (optimize safety)) ;; MAKE-SEQUENCE (assert-type-error (make-sequence 'cons 0)) (assert-type-error (make-sequence 'null 1)) (assert-type-error (make-sequence '(cons t null) 0)) (assert-type-error (make-sequence '(cons t null) 2)) ;; KLUDGE: I'm not certain that this test actually tests for what ;; it should test, in that the type deriver and optimizers might ;; be too smart for the good of an exhaustive test system. ;; However, it makes me feel good. -- CSR, 2002-10-18 (assert (null (make-sequence 'null 0))) (assert (= (length (make-sequence 'cons 3)) 3)) (assert (= (length (make-sequence '(cons t null) 1)) 1)) ;; and NIL is not a valid type for MAKE-SEQUENCE (assert-type-error (make-sequence 'nil 0)) ;; COERCE (assert-type-error (coerce #(1) 'null)) (assert-type-error (coerce #() 'cons)) (assert-type-error (coerce #() '(cons t null))) (assert-type-error (coerce #(1 2) '(cons t null))) (assert (null (coerce #() 'null))) (assert (= (length (coerce #(1) 'cons)) 1)) (assert (= (length (coerce #(1) '(cons t null))) 1)) (assert-type-error (coerce #() 'nil)) ;; MERGE (assert-type-error (merge 'null (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<)) (assert-type-error (merge 'cons () () '<)) (assert (null (merge 'null () () '<))) (assert (= (length (merge 'cons (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<)) 4)) (assert (= (length (merge '(cons t (cons t (cons t (cons t null)))) (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<)) 4)) (assert-type-error (merge 'nil () () '<)) ;; CONCATENATE (assert-type-error (concatenate 'null '(1) "2")) (assert-type-error (concatenate 'cons #() ())) (assert-type-error (concatenate '(cons t null) #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6))) (assert (null (concatenate 'null () #()))) (assert (= (length (concatenate 'cons #() '(1) "2 3")) 4)) (assert (= (length (concatenate '(cons t cons) '(1) "34")) 3)) (assert-type-error (concatenate 'nil '(3))) ;; FIXME: tests for MAP to come when some brave soul implements ;; the analogous type checking for MAP/%MAP. )) ;;; ELT should signal an error of type TYPE-ERROR if its index ;;; argument isn't a valid sequence index for sequence: (defun test-elt-signal (x) (elt x 3)) (assert (raises-error? (test-elt-signal "foo") type-error)) (assert (eql (test-elt-signal "foob") #\b)) (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3))) (assert (raises-error? (elt (list 1 2 3) 3) type-error))) ;;; confusion in the refactoring led to this signalling an unbound ;;; variable, not a type error. (defun svrefalike (x) (svref x 0)) (assert (raises-error? (svrefalike #*0) type-error)) ;;; checks for uniform bounding index handling. ;;; ;;; This used to be SAFETY 3 only, but bypassing these checks with ;;; above-zero speed when SPEED > SAFETY is not The SBCL Way. ;;; ;;; KLUDGE: not all in one big form because that causes SBCL to spend ;;; an absolute age trying to compile it. (defmacro sequence-bounding-indices-test (&body body) `(progn (locally ;; See Issues 332 [and 333(!)] in the CLHS (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (let ((string (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 5 :initial-element #\a :element-type 'base-char))) ,(car body) (format t "... BASE-CHAR") (finish-output) (flet ((reset () (setf (fill-pointer string) 10) (fill string #\a) (setf (fill-pointer string) 5))) (declare (ignorable #'reset)) ,@(cdr body)))) (locally ;; See Issues 332 [and 333(!)] in the CLHS (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (let ((string (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 5 :initial-element #\a :element-type 'character))) ,(car body) (format t "... CHARACTER") (finish-output) (flet ((reset () (setf (fill-pointer string) 10) (fill string #\a) (setf (fill-pointer string) 5))) (declare (ignorable #'reset)) ,@(cdr body)))))) (declaim (notinline opaque-identity)) (defun opaque-identity (x) x) ;;; Accessor SUBSEQ (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Accessor SUBSEQ") (assert (string= (subseq string 0 5) "aaaaa")) (assert (raises-error? (subseq string 0 6))) (assert (raises-error? (subseq string (opaque-identity -1) 5))) (assert (raises-error? (subseq string 4 2))) (assert (raises-error? (subseq string 6))) (assert (string= (setf (subseq string 0 5) "abcde") "abcde")) (assert (string= (subseq string 0 5) "abcde")) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (setf (subseq string 0 6) "abcdef"))) (assert (raises-error? (setf (subseq string (opaque-identity -1) 5) "abcdef"))) (assert (raises-error? (setf (subseq string 4 2) ""))) (assert (raises-error? (setf (subseq string 6) "ghij")))) ;;; Function COUNT, COUNT-IF, COUNT-IF-NOT (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function COUNT, COUNT-IF, COUNT-IF-NOT") (assert (= (count #\a string :start 0 :end nil) 5)) (assert (= (count #\a string :start 0 :end 5) 5)) (assert (raises-error? (count #\a string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (count #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (count #\a string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (count #\a string :start 6 :end 9))) (assert (= (count-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) 5)) (assert (= (count-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) 5)) (assert (raises-error? (count-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (count-if #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (count-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (count-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9))) (assert (= (count-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) 0)) (assert (= (count-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) 0)) (assert (raises-error? (count-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (count-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (count-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (count-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9)))) ;;; Function FILL (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function FILL") (assert (string= (fill string #\b :start 0 :end 5) "bbbbb")) (assert (string= (fill string #\c :start 0 :end nil) "ccccc")) (assert (raises-error? (fill string #\d :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (fill string #\d :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (fill string #\d :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (fill string #\d :start 6 :end 9)))) ;;; Function FIND, FIND-IF, FIND-IF-NOT (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function FIND, FIND-IF, FIND-IF-NOT") (assert (char= (find #\a string :start 0 :end nil) #\a)) (assert (char= (find #\a string :start 0 :end 5) #\a)) (assert (raises-error? (find #\a string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (find #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (find #\a string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (find #\a string :start 6 :end 9))) (assert (char= (find-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) #\a)) (assert (char= (find-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) #\a)) (assert (raises-error? (find-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (find-if #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (find-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (find-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9))) (assert (eq (find-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) nil)) (assert (eq (find-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) nil)) (assert (raises-error? (find-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (find-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (find-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (find-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9)))) ;;; Function MISMATCH (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function MISMATCH") (assert (null (mismatch string "aaaaa" :start1 0 :end1 nil))) (assert (= (mismatch "aaab" string :start2 0 :end2 4) 3)) (assert (raises-error? (mismatch "aaaaaa" string :start2 0 :end2 6))) (assert (raises-error? (mismatch string "aaaaaa" :start1 (opaque-identity -1) :end1 5))) (assert (raises-error? (mismatch string "" :start1 4 :end1 2))) (assert (raises-error? (mismatch "aaaa" string :start2 6 :end2 9)))) ;;; Function PARSE-INTEGER (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function PARSE-INTEGER") (setf (fill-pointer string) 10) (setf (subseq string 0 10) "1234567890") (setf (fill-pointer string) 5) (assert (= (parse-integer string :start 0 :end 5) 12345)) (assert (= (parse-integer string :start 0 :end nil) 12345)) (assert (raises-error? (parse-integer string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (parse-integer string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (parse-integer string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (parse-integer string :start 6 :end 9)))) ;;; Function PARSE-NAMESTRING (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function PARSE-NAMESTRING") (setf (fill-pointer string) 10) (setf (subseq string 0 10) #-win32 "/dev/ /tmp" #+win32 "C:/ NUL") (setf (fill-pointer string) 5) (assert (truename (parse-namestring string nil *default-pathname-defaults* :start 0 :end 5))) (assert (truename (parse-namestring string nil *default-pathname-defaults* :start 0 :end nil))) (assert (raises-error? (parse-namestring string nil *default-pathname-defaults* :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (parse-namestring string nil *default-pathname-defaults* :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (parse-namestring string nil *default-pathname-defaults* :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (parse-namestring string nil *default-pathname-defaults* :start 6 :end 9)))) ;;; Function POSITION, POSITION-IF, POSITION-IF-NOT (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function POSITION, POSITION-IF, POSITION-IF-NOT") (assert (= (position #\a string :start 0 :end nil) 0)) (assert (= (position #\a string :start 0 :end 5) 0)) (assert (raises-error? (position #\a string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (position #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (position #\a string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (position #\a string :start 6 :end 9))) (assert (= (position-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) 0)) (assert (= (position-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) 0)) (assert (raises-error? (position-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (position-if #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (position-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (position-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9))) (assert (eq (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) nil)) (assert (eq (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) nil)) (assert (raises-error? (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9)))) ;;; Function READ-FROM-STRING (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function READ-FROM-STRING") (setf (subseq string 0 5) "(a b)") (assert (equal (read-from-string string nil nil :start 0 :end 5) '(a b))) (assert (equal (read-from-string string nil nil :start 0 :end nil) '(a b))) (assert (raises-error? (read-from-string string nil nil :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (read-from-string string nil nil :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (read-from-string string nil nil :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (read-from-string string nil nil :start 6 :end 9)))) ;;; Function REDUCE (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function REDUCE") (setf (subseq string 0 5) "abcde") (assert (equal (reduce #'list* string :from-end t :start 0 :end nil) '(#\a #\b #\c #\d . #\e))) (assert (equal (reduce #'list* string :from-end t :start 0 :end 5) '(#\a #\b #\c #\d . #\e))) (assert (raises-error? (reduce #'list* string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (reduce #'list* string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (reduce #'list* string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (reduce #'list* string :start 6 :end 9)))) ;;; Function REMOVE, REMOVE-IF, REMOVE-IF-NOT, DELETE, DELETE-IF, ;;; DELETE-IF-NOT (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function REMOVE, REMOVE-IF, REMOVE-IF-NOT, ...") (assert (equal (remove #\a string :start 0 :end nil) "")) (assert (equal (remove #\a string :start 0 :end 5) "")) (assert (raises-error? (remove #\a string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (remove #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (remove #\a string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (remove #\a string :start 6 :end 9))) (assert (equal (remove-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) "")) (assert (equal (remove-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) "")) (assert (raises-error? (remove-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (remove-if #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (remove-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (remove-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9))) (assert (equal (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) "aaaaa")) (assert (equal (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) "aaaaa")) (assert (raises-error? (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9)))) (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/... DELETE, DELETE-IF, DELETE-IF-NOT") (assert (equal (delete #\a string :start 0 :end nil) "")) (reset) (assert (equal (delete #\a string :start 0 :end 5) "")) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete #\a string :start 0 :end 6))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete #\a string :start 4 :end 2))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete #\a string :start 6 :end 9))) (reset) (assert (equal (delete-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) "")) (reset) (assert (equal (delete-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) "")) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete-if #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9))) (reset) (assert (equal (delete-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) "aaaaa")) (reset) (assert (equal (delete-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) "aaaaa")) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9)))) ;;; Function REMOVE-DUPLICATES, DELETE-DUPLICATES (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function REMOVE-DUPLICATES, DELETE-DUPLICATES") (assert (string= (remove-duplicates string :start 0 :end 5) "a")) (assert (string= (remove-duplicates string :start 0 :end nil) "a")) (assert (raises-error? (remove-duplicates string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (remove-duplicates string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (remove-duplicates string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (remove-duplicates string :start 6 :end 9))) (assert (string= (delete-duplicates string :start 0 :end 5) "a")) (reset) (assert (string= (delete-duplicates string :start 0 :end nil) "a")) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete-duplicates string :start 0 :end 6))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete-duplicates string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete-duplicates string :start 4 :end 2))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (delete-duplicates string :start 6 :end 9)))) ;;; Function REPLACE (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function REPLACE") (assert (string= (replace string "bbbbb" :start1 0 :end1 5) "bbbbb")) (assert (string= (replace (copy-seq "ccccc") string :start2 0 :end2 nil) "bbbbb")) (assert (raises-error? (replace string "ccccc" :start1 0 :end1 6))) (assert (raises-error? (replace string "ccccc" :start2 (opaque-identity -1) :end2 5))) (assert (raises-error? (replace string "ccccc" :start1 4 :end1 2))) (assert (raises-error? (replace string "ccccc" :start1 6 :end1 9)))) ;;; Function SEARCH (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function SEARCH") (assert (= (search "aa" string :start2 0 :end2 5) 0)) (assert (null (search string "aa" :start1 0 :end2 nil))) (assert (raises-error? (search "aa" string :start2 0 :end2 6))) (assert (raises-error? (search "aa" string :start2 (opaque-identity -1) :end2 5))) (assert (raises-error? (search "aa" string :start2 4 :end2 2))) (assert (raises-error? (search "aa" string :start2 6 :end2 9)))) ;;; Function STRING-UPCASE, STRING-DOWNCASE, STRING-CAPITALIZE, ;;; NSTRING-UPCASE, NSTRING-DOWNCASE, NSTRING-CAPITALIZE (defmacro string-case-frob (fn) `(progn (assert (raises-error? (,fn string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (,fn string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (,fn string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (,fn string :start 6 :end 9))))) (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function STRING-UPCASE, STRING-DOWNCASE, STRING-CAPITALIZE, ...") (string-case-frob string-upcase) (string-case-frob string-downcase) (string-case-frob string-capitalize) (format t "~&/... NSTRING-UPCASE, NSTRING-DOWNCASE, NSTRING-CAPITALIZE") (string-case-frob nstring-upcase) (string-case-frob nstring-downcase) (string-case-frob nstring-capitalize)) ;;; Function STRING=, STRING/=, STRING<, STRING>, STRING<=, STRING>=, ;;; STRING-EQUAL, STRING-NOT-EQUAL, STRING-LESSP, STRING-GREATERP, ;;; STRING-NOT-GREATERP, STRING-NOT-LESSP (defmacro string-predicate-frob (fn) `(progn (,fn string "abcde" :start1 0 :end1 5) (,fn "fghij" string :start2 0 :end2 nil) (assert (raises-error? (,fn string "klmno" :start1 0 :end1 6))) (assert (raises-error? (,fn "pqrst" string :start2 (opaque-identity -1) :end2 5))) (assert (raises-error? (,fn "uvwxy" string :start1 4 :end1 2))) (assert (raises-error? (,fn string "z" :start2 6 :end2 9))))) (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function STRING=, STRING/=, STRING<, STRING>, STRING<=, STRING>=, ...") (string-predicate-frob string=) (string-predicate-frob string/=) (string-predicate-frob string<) (string-predicate-frob string>) (string-predicate-frob string<=) (string-predicate-frob string>=)) (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/... STRING-EQUAL, STRING-NOT-EQUAL, STRING-LESSP, ...") (string-predicate-frob string-equal) (string-predicate-frob string-not-equal) (string-predicate-frob string-lessp)) (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/... STRING-GREATERP, STRING-NOT-GREATERP, STRING-NOT-LESSP") (string-predicate-frob string-greaterp) (string-predicate-frob string-not-greaterp) (string-predicate-frob string-not-lessp)) ;;; Function SUBSTITUTE, SUBSTITUTE-IF, SUBSTITUTE-IF-NOT, ;;; NSUBSTITUTE, NSUBSTITUTE-IF, NSUBSTITUTE-IF-NOT (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function SUBSTITUTE, SUBSTITUTE-IF, SUBSTITUTE-IF-NOT, ...") (assert (string= (substitute #\b #\a string :start 0 :end 5) "bbbbb")) (assert (string= (substitute #\c #\a string :start 0 :end nil) "ccccc")) (assert (raises-error? (substitute #\b #\a string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (substitute #\b #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (substitute #\b #\a string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (substitute #\b #\a string :start 6 :end 9))) (assert (string= (substitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) "bbbbb")) (assert (string= (substitute-if #\c #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) "ccccc")) (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9))) (assert (string= (substitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) "aaaaa")) (assert (string= (substitute-if-not #\c #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) "aaaaa")) (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9)))) (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/... NSUBSTITUTE, NSUBSTITUTE-IF, NSUBSTITUTE-IF-NOT") (assert (string= (nsubstitute #\b #\a string :start 0 :end 5) "bbbbb")) (reset) (assert (string= (nsubstitute #\c #\a string :start 0 :end nil) "ccccc")) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute #\b #\a string :start 0 :end 6))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute #\b #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute #\b #\a string :start 4 :end 2))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute #\b #\a string :start 6 :end 9))) (reset) (assert (string= (nsubstitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) "bbbbb")) (reset) (assert (string= (nsubstitute-if #\c #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) "ccccc")) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9))) (reset) (assert (string= (nsubstitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) "aaaaa")) (reset) (assert (string= (nsubstitute-if-not #\c #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) "aaaaa")) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2))) (reset) (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9)))) ;;; Function WRITE-STRING, WRITE-LINE (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Function WRITE-STRING, WRITE-LINE") (write-string string *standard-output* :start 0 :end 5) (write-string string *standard-output* :start 0 :end nil) (assert (raises-error? (write-string string *standard-output* :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (write-string string *standard-output* :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (write-string string *standard-output* :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (write-string string *standard-output* :start 6 :end 9))) (write-line string *standard-output* :start 0 :end 5) (write-line string *standard-output* :start 0 :end nil) (assert (raises-error? (write-line string *standard-output* :start 0 :end 6))) (assert (raises-error? (write-line string *standard-output* :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5))) (assert (raises-error? (write-line string *standard-output* :start 4 :end 2))) (assert (raises-error? (write-line string *standard-output* :start 6 :end 9)))) ;;; Macro WITH-INPUT-FROM-STRING (sequence-bounding-indices-test (format t "~&/Macro WITH-INPUT-FROM-STRING") (with-input-from-string (s string :start 0 :end 5) (assert (char= (read-char s) #\a))) (with-input-from-string (s string :start 0 :end nil) (assert (char= (read-char s) #\a))) (assert (raises-error? (with-input-from-string (s string :start 0 :end 6) (read-char s)))) (assert (raises-error? (with-input-from-string (s string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5) (read-char s)))) (assert (raises-error? (with-input-from-string (s string :start 4 :end 2) (read-char s)))) (assert (raises-error? (with-input-from-string (s string :start 6 :end 9) (read-char s))))) ;;; testing bit-bashing according to _The Practice of Programming_ (defun fill-bytes-for-testing (bitsize) "Return a list of 'bytes' of type (MOD BITSIZE)." (remove-duplicates (list 0 (1- (ash 1 (1- bitsize))) (ash 1 (1- bitsize)) (1- (ash 1 bitsize))))) (defun fill-with-known-value (value size &rest vectors) (dolist (vec vectors) (dotimes (i size) (setf (aref vec i) value)))) (defun collect-fill-amounts (n-power) (remove-duplicates (loop for i from 0 upto n-power collect (1- (expt 2 i)) collect (expt 2 i) collect (1+ (expt 2 i))))) (defun test-fill-bashing (bitsize padding-amount n-power) (let* ((size (+ (* padding-amount 2) (expt 2 n-power) (* padding-amount 2))) (standard (make-array size :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,bitsize))) (bashed (make-array size :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,bitsize))) (fill-amounts (collect-fill-amounts n-power)) (bash-function (intern (format nil "UB~A-BASH-FILL" bitsize) (find-package "SB-KERNEL")))) (format t "~&/Function ~A..." bash-function) (loop for offset from padding-amount below (* 2 padding-amount) do (dolist (c (fill-bytes-for-testing bitsize)) (dolist (n fill-amounts) (fill-with-known-value (mod (lognot c) (ash 1 bitsize)) n standard bashed) ;; fill vectors ;; a) the standard slow way (fill standard c :start offset :end (+ offset n)) ;; b) the blazingly fast way (let ((value (loop for i from 0 by bitsize until (= i sb-vm:n-word-bits) sum (ash c i)))) (funcall bash-function value bashed offset n)) ;; check for errors (when (mismatch standard bashed) (format t "Test with offset ~A, fill ~A and length ~A failed.~%" offset c n) (format t "Mismatch: ~A ~A~%" (subseq standard 0 (+ offset n 1)) (subseq bashed 0 (+ offset n 1))) (return-from test-fill-bashing nil)))) finally (return t)))) (defun test-copy-bashing (bitsize padding-amount n-power) (let* ((size (+ (* padding-amount 2) (expt 2 n-power) (* padding-amount 2))) (standard-dst (make-array size :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,bitsize))) (bashed-dst (make-array size :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,bitsize))) (source (make-array size :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,bitsize))) (fill-amounts (collect-fill-amounts n-power)) (bash-function (intern (format nil "UB~A-BASH-COPY" bitsize) (find-package "SB-KERNEL")))) (format t "~&/Function ~A..." bash-function) (do ((source-offset padding-amount (1+ source-offset))) ((>= source-offset (* padding-amount 2)) ;; success! t) (do ((target-offset padding-amount (1+ target-offset))) ((>= target-offset (* padding-amount 2))) (dolist (c (fill-bytes-for-testing bitsize)) (dolist (n fill-amounts) (fill-with-known-value (mod (lognot c) (ash 1 bitsize)) size source standard-dst bashed-dst) ;; fill with test data (fill source c :start source-offset :end (+ source-offset n)) ;; copy filled test data to test vectors ;; a) the slow way (replace standard-dst source :start1 target-offset :end1 (+ target-offset n) :start2 source-offset :end2 (+ source-offset n)) ;; b) the blazingly fast way (funcall bash-function source source-offset bashed-dst target-offset n) ;; check for errors (when (mismatch standard-dst bashed-dst) (format t "Test with target-offset ~A, source-offset ~A, fill ~A, and length ~A failed.~%" target-offset source-offset c n) (format t "Mismatch:~% correct ~A~% actual ~A~%" standard-dst bashed-dst) (return-from test-copy-bashing nil)))))))) ;; Too slow for the interpreter #+#.(cl:if (cl:eq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile) '(and) '(or)) (loop for i = 1 then (* i 2) do ;; the bare '13' here is fairly arbitrary, except that it's been ;; reduced from '32', which made the tests take aeons; '8' provides ;; a good range of lengths over which to fill and copy, which ;; should tease out most errors in the code (if any exist). (It ;; also makes this part of the test suite finish reasonably ;; quickly.) (assert (time (test-fill-bashing i 13 8))) (assert (time (test-copy-bashing i 13 8))) until (= i sb-vm:n-word-bits)) (defun test-inlined-bashing (bitsize) ;; We have to compile things separately for each bitsize so the ;; compiler will work out the array type and trigger the REPLACE ;; transform. (let ((lambda-form `(lambda () (let* ((n-elements-per-word ,(truncate sb-vm:n-word-bits bitsize)) (size (* 3 n-elements-per-word)) (standard-dst (make-array size :element-type '(unsigned-byte ,bitsize))) (bashed-dst (make-array size :element-type '(unsigned-byte ,bitsize))) (source (make-array size :element-type '(unsigned-byte ,bitsize)))) (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte ,bitsize) (*)) source standard-dst bashed-dst)) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (offset n-elements-per-word (1+ offset))) ((>= offset (* 2 n-elements-per-word)) t) (dolist (c (fill-bytes-for-testing ,bitsize)) (fill-with-known-value (mod (lognot c) (ash 1 ,bitsize)) size source standard-dst bashed-dst) ;; fill with test-data (fill source c :start offset :end (+ offset n-elements-per-word)) ;; copy filled data to test vectors ;; ;; a) the slow way (which is actually fast, since this ;; should be transformed into UB*-BASH-COPY) (replace standard-dst source :start1 (- offset n-elements-per-word i) :start2 (- offset n-elements-per-word i) :end1 offset :end2 offset) ;; b) the fast way--we fold the ;; :START{1,2} arguments above ourselves ;; to trigger the REPLACE transform (replace bashed-dst source :start1 0 :start2 0 :end1 offset :end2 offset) ;; check for errors (when (or (mismatch standard-dst bashed-dst) ;; trigger COPY-SEQ transform (mismatch (copy-seq standard-dst) bashed-dst) ;; trigger SUBSEQ transform (mismatch (subseq standard-dst (- offset n-elements-per-word i)) bashed-dst)) (format t "Test with target-offset ~A, source-offset ~A, fill ~A, and length ~A failed.~%" 0 0 c offset) (format t "Mismatch:~% correct ~A~% actual ~A~%" standard-dst bashed-dst) (return-from nil nil)))))))) (funcall (compile nil lambda-form)))) #+#.(cl:if (cl:eq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile) '(and) '(or)) (loop for i = 1 then (* i 2) do (assert (test-inlined-bashing i)) until (= i sb-vm:n-word-bits)) ;;; tests from the Sacla test suite via Eric Marsden, 2007-05-07 (remove-duplicates (vector 1 2 2 1) :test-not (lambda (a b) (not (= a b)))) (delete-duplicates (vector #\a #\b #\c #\a) :test-not (lambda (a b) (not (char-equal a b)))) ;;; FILL on lists (let ((l (list 1 2 3))) (fill l 0 :start 1 :end 2) (assert (equal l '(1 0 3))) (fill l 'x :start 2 :end 3) (assert (equal l '(1 0 x))) (fill l 'y :start 1) (assert (equal l '(1 y y))) (fill l 'z :end 2) (assert (equal l '(z z y))) (fill l 1) (assert (equal l '(1 1 1))) (assert (raises-error? (fill l 0 :start 4))) (assert (raises-error? (fill l 0 :end 4))) (assert (raises-error? (fill l 0 :start 2 :end 1)))) ;;; success