508261] Unit select should only select valid revisions
resolved-fixed in 4.19
579786] Provide a mechanism to control timeout behavior for slow queries
resolved-fixed in 4.19
579863] [LM] Implement a lifecycle management framework to support modular modeling
assigned in 4.19
579894] Provide a mechanism to override IAppExtensions
resolved-fixed in 4.19
579994] Provide a permission updater that can take a commit info into account
resolved-fixed in 4.19
580001] Provide a CDOType.Handler.Registry that supports custom data types in query parameters and results
resolved-fixed in 4.19
580003] Support IAppExtensions that can start before repositories
resolved-fixed in 4.19
580059] CDOComparisonScope.Minimal should consider cross-resource containment
resolved-fixed in 4.19
580078] Provide a way to create/use custom CDOCompare instances
resolved-fixed in 4.19
494372] UnitManager fails in checkNotNested when a deleted unit exists
resolved-fixed in 4.19
511506] Unit loading fails on UnionEObjectEList if Resources are loaded in wrong order
resolved-fixed in 4.19
579993] New user must be saved before its password can be reset
resolved-fixed in 4.19