Release Notes for CDO R20201209-0330

These release notes have been generated from the commit log of the 4.x stream and the associated bugzillas.
The first commit is 932f84a627307304418fe00acc79b9cfde95b7eb in the master branch.
The last commit is 95027451d3871acbdd21e4576bbde6bed4ebe86d in the master branch.
The previous build of the 4.x stream is R20200902-0430.

Table of Contents

CDO Model Repository (Core)


enhancement [567097] Provide org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.util.ResourceSetConfigurer    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [567381] Cache the result of CDOViewProviderDescriptor.getViewProvider()    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [567502] CDOViewSet should not throw exceptions during ResourceSet.eAdapters().clear()    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [567539] Provide a way to automatically clear object adapters when a view closes    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [568207] Add various small APIs to net4j.util and cdo    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [568210] Provide an org.eclipse.emf.cdo.internal.explorer.AbstractManager<T>.saveProperties() method    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [568213] Provide a CDOViewCommitInfoListener    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [568426] Provide more control over local lock states when lock notifications are disabled    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [568778] Add option to do lock state prefetching asynchronously    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [569150] Rework server-side threading    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [569154] Provide CDOBranchRef.MAIN and CDOBranchPointRef.MAIN_HEAD constants    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [569155] Provide a dedicated CDOViewSetException    resolved-fixed in 4.12

Bug Fixes

normal [439337] Prefetch CDOLockStates    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [539021] ObjectNotFoundException when trying to prefetchLockState on non existing CDOObject for this view    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [562246] Lock auto-release is not propagated to other views    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [565469] NPE in CDOStaleReferencePolicy$DynamicProxy with dynamic type    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [566889] [GMF Notation] Hand-modified default values are not applied with dynamic feature delegation    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [567176] NullPointerException in CDOResourceImpl.setTrackingModification()    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [567177] Iteration order of CDOViewSet.getViews() is not predictable    assigned in 4.12
normal [567178] CDOURIHandler.canHandle(URI) is too lax    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [567382] CDOViewLocksChangedEvent.lockStates contains temporary CDOIDs after commit of new objects    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [567619] ResourceSetConfiguration.isActive() should not rely on adapter attachment state    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [567622] CDOExplorerUtil.getCheckout(view) returns null while the view is still being configured    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [567999] Fix EStringToStringMapEntryImpl references in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml    resolved-fixed in unspecified
normal [568212] CDOXATransaction fails to remove a closed participant transaction    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [568214] ClassCastException because of CDOFeatureDeltaImpl$UnknownValue    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [568627] IllegalStateException: Different object was registered for OIDnnnn    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [568642] User removal only possible by workaround    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [568709] Misleading stacktraces for implicit unlocking    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [569153] New objects become TRANSIENT after the server has modified a commit    resolved-fixed in 4.12

CDO Model Repository (User Interface)


enhancement [568256] Support text file and properties file editors in CDOCheckouts    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [568293] Make CDO Explorer's "Show In" sub menu extensible    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [568525] [UI] Various user interface enhancements    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [569151] Provide "Properties..." actions in CDO Explorer    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [569572] [UI] Allows to open a model editor on a CDOFileResource in a CDOCheckout    resolved-fixed in 4.12

Bug Fixes

normal [568297] CDOPropertyAdapterFactory causes NullPointerException because view of object is inactive    resolved-fixed in 4.12

CDO Model Repository (JDBC Support)


enhancement [567696] [DB] Make it easier to customize ITypeMappings    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [568211] [DB] Avoid ClassCastException in DBStoreAccessor.applyIDMappings()    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [568571] [DB] Provide more factory methods in DBStore    resolved-fixed in 4.12

Bug Fixes

critical [568304] [DB] NIL value not restored from DB for a feature with null default value    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [562362] [DB] Query not printed for malformed query string    resolved-fixed in 4.12
normal [569571] [DB] ResourcesQuery does not find CDOFileResources    resolved-fixed in 4.12

Net4j Signalling Platform and Utilities


enhancement [567621] Provide optimized EventUtil.addUniqueListener() and EventUtil.hasListener() methods    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [567695] Provide a SecurityUtil.pbeDecrypt() method    resolved-fixed in 4.12
enhancement [569148] Provide an OMJob that can run in stand-alone or as Eclipse job    resolved-fixed in 4.12

Net4j User Interface


enhancement [568230] Provide a FixedChildrenNode in ContainerItemProvider    resolved-fixed in 4.12

The previous build of the 4.x stream is R20200902-0430.