297491] Provide support for storing named branch points, also called tags
assigned in 4.11
564032] Provide CDOBranchRef and CDOBranchPointRef
resolved-fixed in 4.10
564300] Use dynamic feature delegation for the etypes package
resolved-fixed in 4.11
564304] Make it easier to create repository-aware server app extensions
resolved-fixed in 4.11
564757] Provide a way to unfreeze revisions
resolved-fixed in 4.11
564758] Support server-side commit modifications
resolved-fixed in 4.11
564759] Provide a way to ignore an IRepository from the administration protocol
resolved-fixed in 4.11
566343] Provide org.eclipse.emf.cdo.explorer.checkouts.ResourceSetConfigurer
resolved-fixed in 4.11
544908] Genmodel is corrupt when CDO's override factory for Ecore is installed: java.lang.ArrayStoreException: org.eclipse.emf.cdo.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl
resolved-fixed in 4.11
564302] Serialization of non-Lob data types in etypes package is broken
resolved-fixed in 4.11
564762] CDORepository is not properly disconnected when remote session closes
resolved-fixed in 4.11
566390] CDOStoreEcoreEMap.get(Object) returns null when it should not
resolved-fixed in 4.11
566582] IllegalStateException: Duplicate resource node in folder OIDnnn: xyz
resolved-fixed in 4.11