Red Hat Linux for S/390

Oracle9i Enterprise Edition, Release 1 (9.0.1) - Developer's Release



In November 2001 Oracle released the developer's release of Oracle9i Enterprise Edition for Linux for S/390.  To quote from the release notes:

   This is the developer's release of Oracle server 9.0.1 bundle for
   Linux S/390. Please note that this is not a production release of
   Oracle Server and as such, very few regressions of test cases are run
   against this. Also, not all products that are included in bundle have
   been tested. There are some limitations with this. Especially
   following pieces are *NOT* included in the bundle:
     * Javavm and other Java related products
     * Cartridges
     * Oracle Universal Installer
* Documentation of any sort

Basic installation and functionality has been tested on Red Hat Linux 7.2 for S/390.

You can download from:

Procedure for Installation:

edit $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/nmliblist and change "/fs3/tarball/rdbms/lib/skgxns.o" to "$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/skgxns.o". For example, if your "ORACLE_HOME" is /oracle/ora901, change to "/oracle/ora901/rdbms/lib/skgxns.o".