Name : atexit Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.1 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:19:36 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: atexit-0.1-2.src.rpm Size : 3086 License: GPL Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : register a python function to be called at normal program termination. Description : The atexit() function registers the given function to be called at normal program termination. Functions so regstered are called in the reverse order of their registration; no arguments are passed. Name : blockfile Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.1 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:21:34 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: blockfile-0.1-2.src.rpm Size : 34949 License: Public Domain Packager : Red Hat, Inc. Summary : A better file.readlines() (maybe) for python. Reads by blocks. Description : A better file.readlines() (maybe) for python. Reads by blocks. Name : bplustree Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:23:58 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: bplustree-0.2.0-2.src.rpm Size : 81310 License: Public Domain Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : This module provides B+ trees for python. Description : This module provides B+ trees for python. B+ trees are an efficient index structure for mapping a dictionary type object into a disk file. All keys for these dictionary structures are strings with a fixed maximum length. The values can be strings or integers (often representing seek positions in a secondary file) depending on the implementation. B+ trees can be useful for storing large mappings on disk in such a way that a small number of keys/values can be retrieved very quickly (with very few disk accesses). B+ trees can also be useful for sorting a very large number (millions) of records by unique string key values. In this implementation all keys must not exceed the maximum length for a given tree. For string values there is no limitation on size of content. Note that in my tests updates are 2-3 times slower than retrieves, except for walking which is much faster than normal retrieves. As an add-on this module also provides a dbm compatible interface that permits arbitrary length keys and values. See below. Name : bpnn Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:25:56 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: bpnn-0.2.0-2.src.rpm Size : 4678 License: Public Domain Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A simple back-propagation neural network module for python. Description : bpnn is a python module which provides a small set of back-propagation neural network functions. Name : eventloop Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.4 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:27:12 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: eventloop-1.4-2.src.rpm Size : 5155 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A native Python select-based event loop Description : Provides a class EventLoop, which invokes designated callbacks when specified times elapse or when specified file objects (distinguished by having 'fileno' methods) are ready to be read. Name : evol Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 24.3.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 12:54:26 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: evol-24.3.0-1.src.rpm Size : 4086 License: LGPL Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : Basic python class for a global optimisation strategy. Description : Basic python class for a global optimisation strategy. Name : FixedPoint Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.0.3 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:00:44 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: FixedPoint-0.0.3-2.src.rpm Size : 21646 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A fixed point arithmatic class for python. Description : FixedPoint is a python module to provide a fixed point arithmatic class. FixedPoint objects support decimal arithmetic with a fixed number of digits (called the object's precision) after the decimal point. The number of digits before the decimal point is variable & unbounded. Name : fourier Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 12:54:39 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: fourier-0.2.0-1.src.rpm Size : 5120 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A collection of fouier transform functions for python. Description : A collection of fouier transform functions for python. Name : fsm Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:41:40 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: fsm-0.2.0-2.src.rpm Size : 10598 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A simple finite state machine class in python. Description : I got tired of an ever increasing if/elif/elif/elif/.../else statement used to implement a finite state machine today and broke down and wrote a simple one (after poking around the 1.1.1 distribution and not seeing anything). It's pretty simple to use. Name : graph_lib Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.0.1 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:43:01 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: graph_lib-1.0.1-2.src.rpm Size : 26386 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A graph (binary relation) module for python. Description : graph_lib is a python module that includes the class Graph. Graph is loosely modelled after the Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms (LEDA). It includes methods for constructing graphs, BFS and DFS traversals, topological sort, etc. It uses a dictionary for nodes and edges to represent G=(V,E). Where V is the set of nodes (vertices), and E is the set of directed edges. Node's may be named arbitrarily. Edges are assigned names. Arbitrary data may be attached to both an edge and a node. Name : group Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.6 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:44:21 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: group-1.6-2.src.rpm Size : 38174 License: GPL Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A python module that allows access to the extended group functions. Description : Allows python to use the supplemental groups functions provided in Linux and other modern Unicies. Currently getgroups(), setgroups(), and initgroups() are supported. This is an initial release and only Linux is known to work. Name : kwParsing Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 12:55:21 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: kwParsing-0.2.0-1.src.rpm Size : 140480 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A python parser generator. Description : The kjParsing package is a parser generator written in Python which produces parsers written in Python. kjParsing package consists of the following files: -- the basic data structures and functions needed for performing LR parsing in Python. -- functions and data structures for SLR grammar compilation in Python. (It wouldn't be too difficult to extend these to LR1, but I don't have any motivation to do so, let me know if you'd like LR1, and why. Maybe I'll implement it or give hints on how you can do so.) -- Miscellaneous set and graph operations used by the other two modules. Name : lists Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.7 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:49:05 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: lists-0.7-1.src.rpm Size : 8913 License: Public Domain Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A collection of list functions for python. Description : -- some useful and fast stuff for list-handling (Version 0.6) * in most of theses functions, condition has to be a function, taking one argument and returning either 1 or 0 (representing true and false) (in many cases, None serves as identity-function) * most functions work for tuples too * Any suggestions for completion or improvement of this module ? I'm still looking for the fastest implementations possible. XXX: use operator-module more extensively Thanks to everybody who contributed so far: Guido van Rossum (Python and sortedby), Skip Montanaro (forall and exists), ??? (list), Martin v. Loewis (exists, count, init, id_uniques) Name : LParsermodule Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:03:20 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: LParsermodule-0.2-2.src.rpm Size : 57806 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A literal expression parser module for python. Description : This extension module parses Python literals from a file. An intended use is for human readable data storage (configuration files, data files, etc.). Name : matrix Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.11 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 12:55:47 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: matrix-1.11-1.src.rpm Size : 20992 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : Matrix and Vector classes for python. Description : The module defines a matrix class (Matrix) with some common methods and a (3,1)-vector class (Vector) with special vector methods. A matrix instance of dimension (m,n) consists of an integer value m (rows), an integer value n (columns) and a list of data elements. Name : o2x Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:51:26 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: o2x-1.0-2.src.rpm Size : 3957 License: LGPL Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A python module to convert emacs outline files to XML. Description : XML can get ugly. There's a lot of editors for it that let you manage its tree-like structure, but I much prefer the simple outline-mode interface provided by emacs. This little module/program that will convert outline-mode files to XML. See the source for documentation. Name : piglatin Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:52:38 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: piglatin-0.2.0-2.src.rpm Size : 2543 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A module to piglatin and de-piglatin text. Description : A module to piglatin and de-piglatin text. Name : PQueue Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.1 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:06:02 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: PQueue-0.1-2.src.rpm Size : 129098 License: LGPL Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A priority-queue C module for python. Description : This C extension implements a priority queue object using a fibonacci heap as the underlying data structure. Name : pyFinancials Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.66 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 12:56:28 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: pyFinancials-0.66-1.src.rpm Size : 140471 License: GPL Packager : Red Hat, Inc. Summary : A collection of financial algorithms for python. Description : Python Financials (pyFinancials in the following) is a collection of algorithms for advanced financials calculations. These initials releases depend heavily upon the excellent "Financial Numerical Recipes", by Bernt Arne Oedegaard. Name : pythonica Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 12:56:42 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: pythonica-0.2-1.src.rpm Size : 44042 License: Distibutable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A symbolic problem solver module for python. Description : This is a modified version of Pythonica, to my knowledge the first attempt to build a symbolic solver in python. The original page can be found under: Name : qio Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.3 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 12:56:58 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: qio-0.3-1.src.rpm Size : 99413 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. Summary : A Quick IO module for python. Description : The QIO module borrows a few tricks from INN and adds some of its own to make common Python file operations way lots more faster and stuff. It is suitable for reading sockets and large text files; it doesn't support writing. Because of the read-ahead buffering, QIO will work best with sequential access. For compatibility's sake it will handle slurping a whole file in one read() and doing random access, but the optimizations can actually work against you in those cases. Name : ratio Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.6 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 12:57:12 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: ratio-1.6-1.src.rpm Size : 25630 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A justly intoned ratio library for python. Description : Name : real_accurate Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 12:57:28 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: real_accurate-0.2.0-1.src.rpm Size : 59975 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : An arbitrary precision module for python. Description : is a library that introduces a new class, called Real, of arbitrarily precise numbers, allowing computations with "infinite" precision. Each number keeps an approximation of the accuracy of the number. Routines are available to compute numbers with more and more digits. allows you to: - compute with very high precision, e.g. 1000 digits - compute with very large or small numbers, up to about 10**500000000 - compute without unexpected precision loss: all digits guaranteed - compute with infinite precision, printing digits on the fly - printing floating point numbers to their exact accuracy Name : refhack Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.0.1 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:59:21 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: refhack-1.0.1-2.src.rpm Size : 33098 License: Public Domain Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A module that allows you to modify reference counts from within Python. Description : A module that allows you to modify reference counts from within Python. Name : repeatmodule Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.0.2 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 12:01:10 PM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: repeatmodule-1.0.2-2.src.rpm Size : 36868 License: Public Domain Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A new builtin python module for looping. Description : A new builtin python module for looping. Name : sexprmodule Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.1 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 12:02:28 PM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: sexprmodule-0.2.1-2.src.rpm Size : 44525 License: Public Domain Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : An S-expression parser for python. Description : An S-expression parser for python. Name : sgflib Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 12:04:40 PM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: sgflib-1.0-2.src.rpm Size : 28159 License: LGPL Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A python Smart Game Format parser module. Description : For Python programmers, is a module containing a parser and classes for SGF, the Smart Game Format. Name : shm Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 12:59:11 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: shm-0.2.0-1.src.rpm Size : 74839 License: Public Domain Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A module to allow python to access System V shared memory IPC. Description : This module provides an object interface to System V shared memory IPC, present in most Unix systems. As you probably know, shared memory is the fastest form of IPC because the data does not need to be copied between clients and servers, and does not involve any I/O operations. The only trick in using shared memory is synchronizing access to a given shared memory region among multiple processes. Most often, semaphores are used to synchronize shared memory access. Name : soundex Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.2 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 12:07:06 PM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: soundex-1.2-2.src.rpm Size : 38508 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A python module that does "sound-alike" comparisons on englisj strings. Description : A python module that does "sound-alike" comparisons on englisj strings. Name : sstruct Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.1 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 12:11:11 PM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: sstruct-1.1-1.src.rpm Size : 10789 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A C to python to C struct translator. Description : A higher level struct module: (Super Struct). Very handy if you have to translate C structs to Python objects back and forth and need a 1-1 translation of the field names of the struct to instance attributes or dictionary keys. Name : stats Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 01:00:01 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: stats-0.2.0-1.src.rpm Size : 154448 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A collection of basic statistical functions for python. Description : A collection of basic statistical functions for python. Below are the function names; type "print stats.mean.__doc__" for info on (e.g.) the mean function. The list is obviously incomplete, the functions are all but totally non-optimized and, although tested, are probably far from bulletproof. Any comments and/or additions are welcome ( (A few additional functions are included, for treasure hunters.) Name : surd Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.1 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 01:00:17 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: surd-1.1-1.src.rpm Size : 7995 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A rational number package for python. Description : This python module provides a class and methods for manipulating surds by adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, exponentiating and other stuff. This will work with non-surds as well. There is a test driver at the end of the file that provides many examples of on how to use them. Name : Tailer Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:09:18 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: Tailer-0.2.0-2.src.rpm Size : 2764 License: GPL Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A 'tail' like python module, with watcher function hooks. Description : This module allows a usre to monitor a file, executing a function each time something is added to it. Name : TextFile Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1996.2.29 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:11:36 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: TextFile-1996.2.29-2.src.rpm Size : 3086 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A 2 mode python text file module. Description : This module defines a class TextFile whose instances can be accessed like normal file objects (i.e. by calling readline(), readlines(), and write()), but can also be accessed as sequence objects via indexing. Note that in that case the whole file will be stored in memory. Note also that the two access modes should not be mixed. The class TextFile also handles compression transparently, i.e. it is possible to read lines from a compressed text file as if it were not compressed. Compression is deduced from the file name suffixes '.Z' (compress/uncompress) and '.gz' (gzip/gunzip). Finally, TextFile objects accept file names that start with '~' or '~user' to indicate a home directory. Name : textlines Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.1d1 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 12:16:53 PM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: textlines-1.1d1-1.src.rpm Size : 3640 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A a python module that is a read-on-demand substitute for file.readlines() Description : Use textlines(file) instead of file.readlines() when it's not possible or desirable to read the entire file into memory at once. For example: for line in textlines(file): ... is computationally equivalent to for line in file.readlines(): ... but only reads one line at a time into memory. The argument to textlines can also be a pathname -- that is, textlines(pathname) is equivalent to textlines(open(pathname)). Name : textopen Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.2.1 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 12:18:18 PM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: textopen-1.2.1-2.src.rpm Size : 5964 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A python module that allows you to read from text files that use foreign line separator. Description : textopen is a python module that allows you to read from text files that user foreign line separator. It returns an object that supports a subset of the file protocol (readline, readlines, seek, and tell). textopen can also be applied to a file object (or any object that implements the read, seek and tell functions) -- that is, textopen(pathname) is equivalent to textopen(open(pathname)). Name : thingy Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 12:19:45 PM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: thingy-0.2-2.src.rpm Size : 73931 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. Summary : A python module that goes WAY beyond extending string objects. Description : This module started out as an attempt to built a better StringIO, and it is that, but it quickly evolved into something bigger and scarier. Thingy objects act like mutable strings, lists and files, all at the same time. Even better, thingy objects know how to meow! Please see thingymodule.c for details of the BSD-style license. Name : turing Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 01:01:34 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: turing-0.2.0-1.src.rpm Size : 14913 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A python turing machine simulation module. Description : This program reads in a state transition file (the program) and from that and the initial tape that you specify, emulates a Turing machine executing that program. State 0 is the halting state. Name : typelib Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 12:23:24 PM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: typelib-1.0-2.src.rpm Size : 20638 License: LGPL Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A python module that emulates python built-ins. Description : This library implements abstract superclasses to emulate Python's built-in data types. This is useful when you want a class which acts like a built-in type, but with added/modified behaviour (methods) and/or data (attributes). Implemented types are: String, Tuple, List, Dictionary, Integer, Long, Float, Complex (along with their abstract superclasses). All methods, including special overloading methods, are implemented for each type-emulation class. Instance data is stored internally in the data attribute (i.e., The type the class is emulating is stored in the class attribute self.TYPE (as given by the built-in type(class)). The SuperClass.__init__() method uses two class-specific methods to instantiate objects: _reset() and _convert(). Name : vcs Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.1 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 12:24:52 PM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: vcs-0.1-2.src.rpm Size : 4085 License: GPL Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A package that lets you use virtual console memory to save/restore consoles. Description : A package that lets you use virtual console memory to save/restore consoles. Name : WeakRef Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:14:00 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: WeakRef-0.2.0-2.src.rpm Size : 2287 License: Public Domain Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A weak referances module for python. Description : This is a hack. It works okay in the current version of CPython. Any object that has settable attributes can have weak references to it. To get a weak reference to an object use WeakRef(object). When the object is destroyed any attempts to access it though the weak reference will raise an exception. This module requires the refhack extension module, available from: Name : Wpre Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 1.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 11:15:44 AM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: Wpre-1.0-2.src.rpm Size : 74129 License: Python License Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : A simple python mdule for Dynamic HTML, XML, SQL, and other text processing. Description : Wpre is a tool that allows you to substitute variable values into text documents, similar to the "here document" concept found in the shell. We use this tool to work with HTML, XML, and SQL, and we have found it to be very effective in eliminating hand-coding of these different kinds of text documents as Python "print" statements in web/enterprise applications. This tool will be of interest to those who want a very lightweight framework for preprocessing or presenting dynamic information (similar to DHTML) without all of the complexity typically found in such alternative frameworks. Name : xstruct Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 03 Jan 2001 12:27:00 PM EST Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: xstruct-0.2.0-2.src.rpm Size : 94112 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : An extended binary struture module for python. Description : The xstruct module is an extension of the standard Python struct module that provides a more convenient way of creating and manipulating packed binary data structures. Besides offering the pack, unpack and calcsize functions inherited from the struct module, the xstruct module offers a new structdef function that you can use to define packed binary data structures. Name : yarn Relocations: (not relocateable) Version : 0.2.0 Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 21 Jul 2000 01:02:52 PM EDT Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: yarn-0.2.0-1.src.rpm Size : 27640 License: Distributable Packager : Red Hat, Inc. URL : Summary : Yet Another Ration Number module for python. Description : "Why", you may ask, "is someone coding Yet Another Rational Number module?" (Good choice of names, eh?) Well I'll tell you why. Because I felt like it... and also because a complete rational number module does not exist. doesn't handle float approximation and doesn't implement all special methods (as well as having some minor bugs) Lanny Ripple