/*====================================================================== X Windows PCMCIA device control program cardinfo.c 1.30 1999/10/26 18:55:10 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds . Portions created by David A. Hinds are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the GPL. ======================================================================*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef Status #include #include #include #include #include #include /*====================================================================*/ typedef enum s_state { S_EMPTY, S_PRESENT, S_READY, S_BUSY, S_SUSPEND } s_state; typedef struct field_t { char *str; FL_OBJECT *obj; } field_t; typedef struct flag_t { int val; FL_OBJECT *obj; } flag_t; typedef struct socket_info_t { int fd, o_state; FL_OBJECT *menu; field_t card, state, dev, io, irq; flag_t cd, vcc, vpp, wp; } socket_info_t; #define MAX_SOCK 8 static int ns; static socket_info_t st[MAX_SOCK]; static FL_OBJECT *event_log; static char *pidfile = "/var/run/cardmgr.pid"; static char *stabfile; /*====================================================================*/ typedef struct event_tag_t { event_t event; char *name; } event_tag_t; static event_tag_t event_tag[] = { { CS_EVENT_CARD_INSERTION, "card insertion" }, { CS_EVENT_CARD_REMOVAL, "card removal" }, { CS_EVENT_RESET_PHYSICAL, "prepare for reset" }, { CS_EVENT_CARD_RESET, "card reset successful" }, { CS_EVENT_RESET_COMPLETE, "reset request complete" }, { CS_EVENT_EJECTION_REQUEST, "user eject request" }, { CS_EVENT_INSERTION_REQUEST, "user insert request" }, { CS_EVENT_PM_SUSPEND, "suspend card" }, { CS_EVENT_PM_RESUME, "resume card" }, { CS_EVENT_REQUEST_ATTENTION, "request attention" }, }; #define NTAGS (sizeof(event_tag)/sizeof(event_tag_t)) /*====================================================================*/ static int lookup_dev(char *name) { FILE *f; int n; char s[32], t[32]; f = fopen("/proc/devices", "r"); if (f == NULL) return -errno; while (fgets(s, 32, f) != NULL) { if (sscanf(s, "%d %s", &n, t) == 2) if (strcmp(name, t) == 0) break; } fclose(f); if (strcmp(name, t) == 0) return n; else return -ENODEV; } /* lookup_dev */ /*====================================================================*/ static int open_dev(dev_t dev) { char *fn; int fd; if ((fn = tmpnam(NULL)) == NULL) return -1; if (mknod(fn, (S_IFCHR|S_IREAD), dev) != 0) return -1; if ((fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { unlink(fn); return -1; } if (unlink(fn) != 0) { close(fd); return -1; } return fd; } /* open_dev */ /*====================================================================*/ static void do_alert(char *fmt, ...) { char msg[132]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsprintf(msg, fmt, args); fl_show_alert(msg, "", "", 0); va_end(args); } /* do_alert */ /*====================================================================*/ static void do_menu(FL_OBJECT *obj, long i) { int ret = 0; switch (fl_get_menu(obj)) { case 1: /* do_opts(); */ break; case 2: ret = ioctl(st[i].fd, DS_RESET_CARD); break; case 3: ret = ioctl(st[i].fd, DS_SUSPEND_CARD); break; case 4: ret = ioctl(st[i].fd, DS_RESUME_CARD); break; case 5: ret = ioctl(st[i].fd, DS_EJECT_CARD); break; case 6: ret = ioctl(st[i].fd, DS_INSERT_CARD); break; } if (ret != 0) do_alert("ioctl() operation failed: %s", strerror(errno)); } /* do_menu */ /*====================================================================*/ static void do_quit(FL_OBJECT *obj, long data) { exit(0); } /*====================================================================*/ static void do_reset(FL_OBJECT *obj, long data) { FILE *f; pid_t pid; f = fopen(pidfile, "r"); if (f == NULL) { do_alert("Could not open pidfile: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } if (fscanf(f, "%d", &pid) != 1) { do_alert("Could not read pidfile"); return; } if (kill(pid, SIGHUP) != 0) do_alert("Could not signal cardmgr: %s", strerror(errno)); } /*====================================================================*/ void new_field(field_t *field, int x, int y, int w1, int w2, char *label) { FL_OBJECT *obj; if (w1 > 0) { obj = fl_add_text(FL_NORMAL_TEXT, x, y, w1, 20, label); fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_NO_BOX); } field->str = strdup(""); field->obj = fl_add_box(FL_BORDER_BOX, x+w1, y, w2, 20, ""); fl_set_object_color(field->obj, FL_MCOL, 0); } void update_field(field_t *field, char *new) { if (strcmp(field->str, new) != 0) { free(field->str); field->str = strdup(new); fl_set_object_label(field->obj, new); } } void new_flag(flag_t *flag, int x, int y, char *label) { flag->obj = fl_add_box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX, x, y, 30, 20, label); fl_set_object_color(flag->obj, FL_MCOL, 0); fl_hide_object(flag->obj); flag->val = 0; } void update_flag(flag_t *flag, int new) { if (flag->val != new) { flag->val = new; if (new) fl_show_object(flag->obj); else fl_hide_object(flag->obj); } } /*====================================================================*/ static void do_update(FL_OBJECT *obj, long data) { FILE *f; int i, j, event, ret, state; cs_status_t status; config_info_t cfg; char s[80], *t, d[80], io[20], irq[4]; ioaddr_t stop; struct stat buf; static time_t last = 0; time_t now; struct tm *tm; fd_set fds; struct timeval timeout; fl_set_timer(obj, 0.3); /* Poll for events */ FD_ZERO(&fds); for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) FD_SET(st[i].fd, &fds); timeout.tv_sec = timeout.tv_usec = 0; ret = select(MAX_SOCK+4, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); now = time(NULL); tm = localtime(&now); if (ret > 0) { for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) { if (!FD_ISSET(st[i].fd, &fds)) continue; ret = read(st[i].fd, &event, 4); if (ret != 4) continue; for (j = 0; j < NTAGS; j++) if (event_tag[j].event == event) break; if (j == NTAGS) sprintf(s, "%2d:%02d:%02d socket %d: unknown event 0x%x", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, i, event); else sprintf(s, "%2d:%02d:%02d socket %d: %s", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, i, event_tag[j].name); fl_addto_browser(event_log, s); } } if ((stat(stabfile, &buf) == 0) && (buf.st_mtime >= last)) { f = fopen(stabfile, "r"); if (f == NULL) return; if (flock(fileno(f), LOCK_SH) != 0) { do_alert("flock(stabfile) failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } last = now; fgetc(f); for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) { if (!fgets(s, 80, f)) break; s[strlen(s)-1] = '\0'; update_field(&st[i].card, s+9); *d = '\0'; for (;;) { int c = fgetc(f); if ((c == EOF) || (c == 'S')) { update_field(&st[i].dev, d); break; } else { fgets(s, 80, f); for (t = s, j = 0; j < 4; j++) t = strchr(t, '\t')+1; t[strcspn(t, "\t\n")] = '\0'; if (*d == '\0') strcpy(d, t); else { strcat(d, ", "); strcat(d, t); } } } } flock(fileno(f), LOCK_UN); fclose(f); } for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) { state = S_EMPTY; status.Function = 0; ioctl(st[i].fd, DS_GET_STATUS, &status); if (strcmp(st[i].card.str, "empty") == 0) { if (status.CardState & CS_EVENT_CARD_DETECT) state = S_PRESENT; } else { if (status.CardState & CS_EVENT_PM_SUSPEND) state = S_SUSPEND; else { if (status.CardState & CS_EVENT_READY_CHANGE) state = S_READY; else state = S_BUSY; } } if (state != st[i].o_state) { st[i].o_state = state; for (j = 1; j <= 6; j++) fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, j, FL_PUP_GRAY); switch (state) { case S_EMPTY: update_field(&st[i].state, ""); break; case S_PRESENT: fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, 6, FL_PUP_NONE); update_field(&st[i].state, ""); break; case S_READY: fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, 1, FL_PUP_NONE); fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, 2, FL_PUP_NONE); fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, 3, FL_PUP_NONE); fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, 5, FL_PUP_NONE); update_field(&st[i].state, "ready"); break; case S_BUSY: fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, 1, FL_PUP_NONE); fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, 2, FL_PUP_NONE); fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, 3, FL_PUP_NONE); fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, 5, FL_PUP_NONE); update_field(&st[i].state, "not ready"); break; case S_SUSPEND: fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, 1, FL_PUP_NONE); fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, 4, FL_PUP_NONE); fl_set_menu_item_mode(st[i].menu, 5, FL_PUP_NONE); update_field(&st[i].state, "suspended"); break; } } strcpy(io, ""); strcpy(irq, ""); memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg)); ret = ioctl(st[i].fd, DS_GET_CONFIGURATION_INFO, &cfg); if (cfg.Attributes & CONF_VALID_CLIENT) { if (cfg.AssignedIRQ != 0) sprintf(irq, "%d", cfg.AssignedIRQ); if (cfg.NumPorts1 > 0) { stop = cfg.BasePort1+cfg.NumPorts1; if (cfg.NumPorts2 > 0) { if (stop == cfg.BasePort2) sprintf(io, "%#x-%#x", cfg.BasePort1, stop+cfg.NumPorts2-1); else sprintf(io, "%#x-%#x, %#x-%#x", cfg.BasePort1, stop-1, cfg.BasePort2, cfg.BasePort2+cfg.NumPorts2-1); } else sprintf(io, "%#x-%#x", cfg.BasePort1, stop-1); } } update_field(&st[i].irq, irq); update_field(&st[i].io, io); update_flag(&st[i].cd, status.CardState & CS_EVENT_CARD_DETECT); update_flag(&st[i].vcc, cfg.Vcc > 0); update_flag(&st[i].vpp, cfg.Vpp1 > 0); update_flag(&st[i].wp, status.CardState & CS_EVENT_WRITE_PROTECT); } } /*====================================================================*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, ret, y, major; servinfo_t serv; char name[12]; FL_FORM *form; FL_OBJECT *obj; if (geteuid() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cardinfo must be setuid root\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (access("/var/state/pcmcia", R_OK) == 0) { stabfile = "/var/state/pcmcia/stab"; } else if (access("/var/lib/pcmcia", R_OK) == 0) { stabfile = "/var/lib/pcmcia/stab"; } else { stabfile = "/var/run/stab"; } major = lookup_dev("pcmcia"); if (major < 0) { if (major == -ENODEV) fprintf(stderr, "no pcmcia driver in /proc/devices\n"); else perror("could not open /proc/devices"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (ns = 0; ns < MAX_SOCK; ns++) { st[ns].fd = open_dev((major<<8)+ns); if (st[ns].fd < 0) break; } if (ns == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "no sockets found\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (ioctl(st[0].fd, DS_GET_CARD_SERVICES_INFO, &serv) == 0) { if (serv.Revision != CS_RELEASE_CODE) fprintf(stderr, "Card Services release does not match!\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "could not get CS revision info!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Switch back to real user privileges, to be safe */ #ifndef UNSAFE_TOOLS setuid(getuid()); #endif if ((ret = fork()) > 0) exit(0); if (ret == -1) perror("forking"); if (setsid() < 0) perror("detaching from tty"); #if (FL_REVISION >= 80) fl_flip_yorigin(); fl_initialize(&argc, argv, "cardinfo", 0, 0); #else fl_initialize(argv[0], "cardinfo", 0, 0, &argc, argv); #endif form = fl_bgn_form(FL_BORDER_BOX, 400, ns*100+70); for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) { y = 100*(ns-i)+45; sprintf(name, "Socket %d", i); st[i].menu = obj = fl_add_menu(FL_PULLDOWN_MENU, 10, y, 90, 20, name); fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_UP_BOX); fl_set_object_callback(obj, do_menu, i); fl_show_menu_symbol(obj, 1); fl_set_menu(obj, "opts...|reset|suspend|resume|eject|insert"); new_field(&st[i].card, 110, y, 0, 280, ""); y -= 25; new_field(&st[i].state, 110, y, 40, 80, "state:"); new_flag(&st[i].cd, 240, y, "CD"); new_flag(&st[i].vcc, 280, y, "Vcc"); new_flag(&st[i].vpp, 320, y, "Vpp"); new_flag(&st[i].wp, 360, y, "WP"); y -= 25; new_field(&st[i].dev, 110, y, 60, 160, "device(s):"); y -= 25; new_field(&st[i].io, 110, y, 50, 150, "IO ports:"); new_field(&st[i].irq, 310, y, 60, 20, "interrupt:"); } event_log = fl_add_browser(FL_NORMAL_BROWSER, 10, 5, 270, 60, ""); #if (FL_REVISION < 88) fl_set_browser_leftslider(event_log, 1); #endif fl_set_browser_fontsize(event_log, FL_SMALL_SIZE); obj = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 300, 35, 90, 25, "reset"); fl_set_object_callback(obj, do_reset, 0); obj = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 300, 5, 90, 25, "quit"); fl_set_object_callback(obj, do_quit, 0); obj = fl_add_timer(FL_HIDDEN_TIMER, 0, 0, 1, 2, ""); fl_set_object_callback(obj, do_update, 0); fl_end_form(); fl_show_form(form, FL_PLACE_SIZE, FL_FULLBORDER, "cardinfo"); fl_set_timer(obj, 0.2); do { obj = fl_do_forms(); } while (1); fl_hide_form(form); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return 0; }