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6. Belgian Linux resources

6.1 Websites

Linux in Belgium

Dutch Linux-sites

French Linux-sites

Mirrors in Belgium


The most important collection of Linux information on the net. Please if you encounter erroneous information in one of them, do contact the author. Only that way it will be corrected and we all stand together ;)



6.3 FTP

Most of the times, it doesn't matter where you got it from, as long as it works. But to save you some time and save us some bandwidth, it's much better to get it near you ;) Naturally I forgot some, please send your additions or corrections.




6.4 Usenet

6.5 Mailinglists

Linux user groups

6.6 IRC

The fastest medium to get support is IRC, but beware. Because IRC is rather anonymous it's also easy to fool people.

On IRCnet there's a channel called that is closely related to bcol and the Belgian Linux-scene. The channel is still small, but it surely will grow in time. To get help in English, there's only one place #linux.

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