0cRed Hat Rescue Mode07 The two floppies (boot and supplemental) are both required to use this feature. Included in these images is a minimal, working Linux system that will allow you to work on a damaged system. Because of space considerations on two floppies, most of the normal Linux commands will not fit. Essential commands for making devices and mounting a filesystem are available. Please consult the 0cRed Hat07 Linux Installation Guide for more information. See 0f07 for some examples. To enter the rescue mode, type 0frescue 07. Once both the boot and supplemental disks have been loaded into memory, the installation program will ask you some questions about your hardware in order to load the necessary modules into the kernel. When that is complete, you will be given a shell prompt from which you can begin working. To boot the kernel WITH OUT the initial ramdisk, and mount a IDE root partition located on /dev/hda1 use: ^O0fvmlinuz root=/dev/hda1^O07 05[F1-Main] [F2-General] [F3-Expert] [F4-Rescue] [F5-Kickstart] [F6-Kernel]07