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D.4 Choosing Diskette Images

Choosing Diskette Images

The Red Hat Linux/Alpha installation process is diskette-based. The number and contents of the diskettes varies according to the type of Alpha system you have. Therefore, before creating diskettes, it's necessary to pick the appropriate image files. Use the following table as a guide:

System Type MILO Image Boot Image
(In milo/images) (In images)

Alcor (ARC Console)

N/A alcor.img
Alcor (SRM Console) N/A alcor-s.img
Alpha-XLT xlt.img xlt.img
Cabriolet cab.img cab.img
EB164 eb164.img eb164.img
EB64+ eb64p.img eb64p.img
EB66 eb66.img eb66.img
EB66+ eb66p.img eb66p.img
Miata miata.img miata.img
Noname noname.img noname.img
PC164 pc164.img pc164.img
PC164LX lx164.img pc164.img
PC164SX sx164.img sx164.img

D. Creating a MILO Diskette
Creating a MILO Diskette

If your system is supported by MILO, you will find the appropriate image in the milo/images directory on the Red Hat Linux/Alpha CD-ROM. Refer to Appendix B for instructions on writing the image file to a diskette. Make sure you label the diskette ``MILO Diskette''.

Please Note:If you have trouble with MILO, the first thing to try is a newer MILO image. The latest version of MILO is always available at

D. Creating a Boot Diskette
Creating a Boot Diskette

You will find the appropriate boot diskette image in the images directory on the Red Hat Linux/Alpha CD-ROM. Refer to Appendix B for instructions on writing the image file to a diskette. Make sure you label the diskette ``Boot Diskette''.

D. Creating a Ramdisk Diskette
Creating a Ramdisk Diskette

All Red Hat Linux/Alpha installations use the same ramdisk image. It is called ramdisk.img, and can be found in the images directory on the Red Hat Linux/Alpha CD-ROM. Refer to Appendix B for instructions on writing the image file to a diskette. Make sure you label the diskette ``Ramdisk Diskette''.

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