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B.2 Making a Diskette Under a Linux-like O/S

Making a Diskette Under a Linux-like O/S

To make a diskette under Linux (or any other Linux-like operating system), you must have permission to write to the device representing a 3.5-inch diskette drive (known as /dev/fd0 under Linux). First, label a blank, formatted diskette appropriately (eg. ``Boot Diskette'', ``Supplemental Diskette'', etc). Insert it into the diskette drive (but don't issue a mount command). After mounting the Red Hat Linux CD, change directory to the directory containing the desired image file, and use the following command (changing the name of the image file and diskette device as appropriate):

# dd if=boot.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1440k

If you need to make another diskette, label another diskette, and run dd again, specifying the appropriate image file.

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