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An Overview of This Manual

An Overview of This Manual

This manual is organized to guide you through the process of installing Red Hat Linux quickly and easily. Toward that goal, let's take a quick look at each chapter to help you get acclimated:

Chapter 1, New Features Of Red Hat Linux 5.0
contains information concerning new functionality that has been added to Red Hat Linux 5.0.

Chapter 2, Before You Begin
contains information on tasks you should perform prior to starting the Red Hat Linux installation.

Chapter 3, Starting the Installation
contains detailed instructions for starting
the Red Hat Linux installation process.

Chapter 4, Continuing the Installation
contains instructions on the main part of the installation process.

Chapter 5, Finishing the Installation
contains instructions on the last steps required to complete the installation process.

Chapters 6 -- 11
explain how to configure various services once you have installed Red Hat Linux, how to find documentation on your system, and how to use the various system management and administration tools which accompany Red Hat Linux. They also include an explanation of what's special about your Red Hat Linux system, including where special files live and how to shut down Red Hat Linux.

contain extra information about Red Hat Linux, including information for owners of Digital Alpha and Sun SPARC machines, frequently asked questions, etc.

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