New Release: 1.07 Name DSLI Description Info ----------- ---- -------------------------------------------- ----- PDF bdpO Access information in a PDF file ANTRO The PDF library is a proposed library for access the information contained inside a PDF file. PDF stands for Portable Document Format and is a standard proposed by Adobe ( See for more details ) . Install "as usual" with: perl Makefile.PL make make install Then, you can try the scripts in the example directory that tests if a file is a PDF ( not looking at the .pdf extension :-), the PDF version used to write them, their number of pages and the various Info ( Author, Creation date, etc. ). PREREQUISITES: A Perl distribution :-) NEWS: The library is now able to deal correctly with the cross-platform PDF standard, i.e. PDF generated on a Mac can be correctly read on a Unix, for example. It was a problem partially covered by the previous release but still not correctly handled. AVAILABILITY: The library is available at <> and at all CPAN mirror Enjoy Antonio "Antro" Rosella <> <> <>