Copyright (c) 2001-2003, Dick Munroe (  All rights
reserved.  This program is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the Open Software Group license.

Purpose of StanzaFile:

A variety of Linux configuration files contain information stored in stanzas.
A stanza is data collected into a named section.  Therefore a stanza file has 
an entry that names (introduces) a new stanza, one or more additional entries 
that are the data contained within that stanza, followed by [optionally] one or
more additional stanzas.  Stanza files may also [optionally] contain a 
collection of global data that appears before the first stanza.  Not all
stanza file formats provide global data although the StanzaFile class is
prepared to parse files that contain global data.

The base class of StanzaFile parses WINDOWS.INI format file.  In particular it
was designed to parse wvdial configuration files.  As examples and extensions
two subclasses, StanzaFile::Grub and StanzaFile::Lilo are also provided.  These
classes parse Grand Unified Bootloader and Linux Loader configuration files and
are provided as an example of how to extend StanzaFile to provide parsing
support for other types of configuration files.

Getting StanzaFile:

The source code and distributions are kept on as:

The source code is available via anonymous cvs, the installation kit can be
downloaded via http or ftp from any of the sourceforge mirrors.

You can also get it from my PAUSE account:

And I usually keep the latest development version available at:

Installing StanzaFile:

StanzaFile is provided with a standard perl module installation script.  After
unpacking the installation kit, do the following:

cd /stanzafile/directory/
perl Makefile.PL
make install

and that's it.  There aren't any tests.

Reporting Bugs:

Please use the bug reporting and tracking interface provided by sourceforge.

Extending StanzaFile:

If you modify or extend StanzaFile, please contact me [Dick Munroe,
(] with the changes so that I can include them in the
next release.  Documentation of all changes is required as is adherance to the
Revision History format used in each source file.  (I use tools to keep track
of and build the Changes file, so if you don't follow the rules it makes more
work for me).

If you want to be part of the StanzaFile development "team" let me know why and
what you want to do and I'll consider it.

Looking for work:

On another subject entirely, I'm looking for work (contract or permanent).  I
do a lot more than just hack Perl.  Take a look at my:


for the gory details.  If you see a match, drop me a not and we'll see what we
can work out.